Grantee produced

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Employment and Benefits Planning Outreach Materials - California

How is the state of California teaching its consumers with disabilities about ways of working and maintaining health benefits? Through a slide presentation, Facebook update, video update, and newsletter, California reaches out with information and resources on career planning, job training, job hunting and workplace support for job seekers. Attached are replicable MIG program materials for states seeking ways to provide similar information.

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Office of Consumer & Family Affairs Newsletter - New Hampshire

How does the state of New Hampshire reach out to individuals with disabilities and their families? The Office of Consumer & Family Affairs (OCFA) provides information, education and support for children and youth, families, adults and older adults who are dealing with the challenges of mental illness. Attached is a newsletter put out by OCFA that provides important updates and resources as well as a link to their website.

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Evaluation of Connect-Ability - Connecticut

Looking for samples of MIG program evaluations? The state of Connecticut created the attached evaluation reports for their Connect-Ability Program. These samples contain program details and the needs, experiences, and satisfaction of individuals who received services. Also included are the procedures and outcomes of nine strategic plans implemented by Local Level Pilot programs. These reports could be helpful for states interesting in evaluating similar initiatives.

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Youth Transition Toolkit - California

Find seven practical,person-centered planning tools for transition planning for youths with disabilities. This toolkit is for youths with disabilities ages 12-18+, with the ultimate goal of easing the transition from junior high school into high school, then on to college and/or employment. Included is information on developing Individualized Education Programs, 504 plans, Individual Transition Plans and more.

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Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program - Texas

Texas is using its MFP Demonstration to address some of the obstacles to relocation and successful access to community living through interagency collaboration, development of the necessary infrastructure to support relocation, and utilization of evidence-based practices. Attached find two presentations delivered at the 2010 HCBS conference, as well as links to the program’s on-line proposal and operational protocol.

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Medicaid Buy-In Data: Training, Outreach, and Utilization - Arizona

Arizona has issued reports detailing work the state has done in supporting individuals with disabilities transitioning to work,and self-sufficiency with work incentives, health care coverage, benefits planning, etc. Attached are documents regarding outreach done for the Medicaid Buy-In program including which individuals were trained to disseminate the information, and data on the increase in work incentive utilization for SSI recipients.

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Lessons Learned From Rural Job Development - Alaska

Written for the APSE newsletter, this article details successes for individuals with disabilities in finding employment in rural Alaska. It states that, especially in rural communities, self employment, or creating your own job, makes the most sense. Options for people with disabilities are more advantageous in self employment, especially if they are receiving Social Security benefits.

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Strategic Plans for Supported Employment and Proposed Funding - Alaska

Alaska's Supported Employment Task Force has created a Strategic Action Plan for increasing the number of people with developmental disabilities receiving supported employment services and how to most effectively shape protocol to assist employees and employers. Attached are a proposed funding matrix and a strategic action plan for employment services for individuals with behavioral health disabilities. These sample documents may be useful for other states implementing similar programs.

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Outreach Material for MIG Grantees - Alabama

How is Alabama providing its disabled population with important information on topics such as employment and health care? Attached are a brochure and newsletter with information on help available for individuals receiving benefits who want to work without losing their cash benefits and health care and the new health care laws' expected impact on people with disabilities.

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Money Follows the Person Website – Illinois

The MFP/Community Reintegration Program is part of a statewide, multi-department demonstration program with the goal of increasing the use of HCBS long-term care services and eliminating barriers that prevent or restrict flexible use of Medicaid funds for necessary services in settings reflecting individual choice. Their website includes outreach materials, program descriptions and qualifications, and numerous related links.

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