Grantee produced

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Massachusetts Real Choice Presents: Consumer Involvement Strategies

Part of the Massachusetts Real Choice grants included community and consumer collaboration and input. The presentations work to introduce how the Real Choice grant aims to work on collaboration, integration collaboration into the pilot project, and review how consumer perspectives were used in the grant. Review the work and ideas on consumer involvement, the pilot evaluation and the consumer experience project.

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Critical Incident Reports: Massachusetts

As part of the Massachusetts Independence Plus grant, the workgroup recognized there was a certain amount of risk associated with individualized budgeting. They devised a “Incident Reporting” System that would document any incidents (such as fall, funding problems, injuries) that would compromise the health of an individual with disabilities being served under the program. The forms were created to assist a future Massachusetts IP waiver and have not yet been adopted

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Systems Change Grants Presentations: Massachusetts 2001 Real Choice & 2003 Independence Plus

The State of Massachusetts received Real Choice and Independence Plus grants. These presentations describe the projects, their structure, and an overview of grant activities. The goal of the Real Choice grant was to improve the quality and accessibility of home and community-based services available to individuals with disabilities. The goal of the Independence Plus grant was to recreate budgeting so that consumers were able to direct their budget and the services they receive.

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Measuring Consumer Outcomes and Satisfaction in California: Identifying a Survey to Provide a Foundation for Quality Management

As part of California’s QA/QI grant, this report discusses grant activity related to the measurement of consumer outcomes. Included in the report are a comparative review of consumer satisfaction survey instruments considered for use and an analysis of California’s information system with respect to the requirements of participation in National Core Indicators.

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Personal Care Assistance 40 Hour Training: Appendices

As part of its CPASS grant, Alaska developed a curriculum for personal care assistant training. This curriculum goes through the various responsibilities that a home health worker would encounter. The curriculum is a total of 40 hours, followed up by written exams. These are the appendices to go along with Alaska's Personal Care Assistance 40 Hour Training Curriculum

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Aging and Disability Policy Summit: High Priority Worksheet

This document is from the Aging and Disability Policy Summit. It notes the priority areas regarding aging and disability policy. They are: housing, transportation, health care, employment, education, and community participation. This worksheet provides a valuable framework for defining issues, activities and goals needed to enact change.

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A Social Marketing Approach to Challenging Stigma

This article is aimed at developing tools to help human service providers form partnerships to address and prevent stigmatization of people with disabilities. The Idaho State University Institute of Rural Health (ISU-IRH) developed two anti-stigma social marketing campaigns that incorporated methods to empower people, campaign design and distribution, and methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign.

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