Grantee produced

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No Wrong Door Aging and Disability Resource Center: Advisory Council Survey - Virginia

This survey asks local Advisory Council members to rate 10 statements about the Virginia No Wrong Door (NWD) Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) project and their role in it. The statements include, “I understand the overall vision and goal of the NWD/ADRC initiative for the Commonwealth,” and “I understand the purpose of and my role on the (Richmond, Peninsula, Central Shenandoah Valley) Advisory Council.” A series of open-ended questions follow.

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Disability and Aging Database Policy on Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria - Ohio (CMO) is Ohio’s statewide online access point for information pertaining to aging and disability services. This document describes its policy to define the kind of provider that can list their services on the website. Comprehensive lists of inclusion and exclusion guidelines are included.

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Going to Work: Disability and Business, a Winning Combination Forums - Outreach Materials

Presented by the Kolb Foundation for Disability Education, this series of forums was designed to serve as a resource for people with disabilities throughout Nebraska to learn about opportunities to work without jeopardizing their health care coverage and to promote self-sufficiency. Included are press releases, a flyer and an employer letter about the events.

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Palliative Care Program Outreach Materials & Forms

The Ticket to Work Palliative Care program is a demonstration project to provide palliative care interventions to help Nebraskans with disabilities address pain, symptoms and psychosocial issues that create a barrier to employment. Included are the Pilot Application Cover Letter, Consent Form and Assessment Forms. The website for Nebraska Ticket to Work is also attached.

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Illness and Management Recovery Training Overview and Presentation: New Hampshire

Also known as IMR, this program's goals are to develop and review personal goals and strategies to deal with Mental Illness. It introduces the concept of "recovery" and encourages people to develop their own definitions of personal strategies. The brochure and presentation offer a program overview.

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