National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems

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Apply for Person-Centered Planning Technical Assistance

The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems is providing free technical assistance to states experiencing challenges implementing person-centered planning in compliance with the Home and Community-Services Final Rule requirements. NCAPPS works with human services agencies to create action plans and connect them to experienced subject matter experts to provide support in achieving their goals. The free NCAPPS technical assistance is available through the end of August 2025. The application process for states includes an online application form. States that apply by the end of the day on December 31, 2024, will receive priority review. Learn more and apply.

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Five Competency Domains for Staff Who Facilitate Person-Centered Planning

This resource was developed for human service agency leadership whose role is directing the organization and delivery of services and supports. The five competency domains include: Strengths-Based, Culturally Informed, Whole Person-Focused; Cultivating Connections Inside the System and Out; Rights, Choice, and Control; Partnership, Teamwork, Communication, and Facilitation; and Documentation, Implementation, and Monitoring.

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Person-Centered Practices Self-Assessment

This resource aims to help human service agencies in states, tribes, and territories to measure their progress in developing person-centered systems. The Self-Assessment was designed to be used by staff at all levels. The Self-Assessment measures progress in eight different domains: Leadership; Person-Centered Culture; Eligibility & Service Access; Person-Centered Service Planning & Monitoring; Finance; Workforce Capacity and Capabilities; Collaboration & Partnership; and Quality & Innovation

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