Person Centered Planning

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From Isolation to Integration: Recommendations to Improve Quality in Long-Term Care

This report outlines an integrated strategy to update the country’s long-term care services infrastructure in preparation for the aging of the population over the next thirty years. Recommendations are focused on the areas of quality, workforce, technology, and financing.

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Discussion Paper: Advancing Self-Sufficiency for Medicaid Beneficiaries: Meeting the Challenges of the Olmstead Integration Mandate

For states that receive federal funding, the Olmstead decision confirmed the obligation to serve individuals with disabilities in more integrated settings rather than provide supports and services in institutional settings. As states move forward with strategies to support community living for individuals with disabilities and promote the principles of person-centered planning, these tools and strategies provide complimentary opportunities to accelerate the achievement of inclusive outcomes.

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Mental Health Supported Employment: Training and Calculations - Oregon

As an evidence-based practice, supported employment provides people with mental health diagnoses a mainstream job paying at least minimum wage in a setting which provides ongoing support and includes other people who are not disabled. Find a training for professionals embarking on conversion from day treatment to supported employment for persons with mental health issues and baseline calculations by which to begin measuring the effectiveness of this conversion.

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Help Wanted: Getting a Job Training - Oregon

These trainings focus on the use of person-centered planning and connecting with community partners as a strategy for employment. The trainings were created for persons ages 16-24 with developmental disabilities and their families, transition specialists and other professional staff. Find the "Self-Directed Employment" Presentation and the "Getting a Job" Training, which includes an evaluation, materials list, copy of the presentation and other handouts.

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Inclusive Livable Communities for People with Psychiatric Disabilities

This paper is an expansion of the NCD’s livable community framework (LCF): a set of public policy recommendations for ensuring that people with disabilities have all the opportunities and choices available to people without disabilities. It links key elements of the LCF to specific needs of people with psychiatric disabilities, and discusses stigma and discrimination.

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Quality Indicators for Competitive Employment Outcomes

The indicators provided in this fact sheet serve as a means for self-assessment by employment programs to help make strides toward facilitating competitive and sustainable employment choices for people with disabilities. This tool can also be used to identify both areas of strength to highlight in marketing and areas that need priority attention for improvement.

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Inadanna para Tinilaika - Partners for Change: Individualized Budgeting Pilot

Partners for Change funded by the Health Care Financing Administration as a Systems Change for Community Living grant, was designed to test the concept and practice of Individualized Budgeting on Guam and the application for Community-Integrated Personal Assistance Service and Support for individuals with disabilities who require such supports to live in the most integrated community settings. This report offers recommendations, interview results, references and testimonial letters.

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Emergency Response Preparedness Self Assessment Instrument

Following the Gulf Coast Hurricane disasters in 2005, the NASDDDS Emergency Response Preparedness Self Assessment Instrument was developed to assist state developmental disabilities officials evaluate the extent to which their existing preparedness plans address the unique characteristics and needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities during periods of emergency. A link to the website includes the assessment tool and resources and allows you to watch a product demo.

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The Contribution of Self-Direction to Improving the Quality of Mental Health Services

This report focuses on adults with severe mental illness served by the public mental health system. It aims to identify and describe the range of self-directed care programs for this group being pursued by states and bring together existing evidence relating to the impact of these programs on individuals and on state resources. In doing so, it attempts to contribute to the ongoing debate about effective strategies for improving the quality and outcomes of the public mental health system.

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Increasing Options for Self-Directed Services Initiatives of the FY 2003 Independence Plus Grantees

This report describes the activities of 12 Grantees that received Independence Plus (IP) grants in FY 2003 and are using them to increase self-directed services options for persons of all ages with disabilities or chronic illnesses. Grantees encountered a range of issues while implementing. This report provides information for states and stakeholders planning, implementing, or expanding self-direction programs, whether through solely state-funded programs or the Medicaid program.

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