Person Centered Planning

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Going To Work: A Guide to Social Security Benefits and Employment for Young People with Disabilities (2009 Edition)

Young people and their families are in the best position to make choices about working when they have good information about the impact of work on benefits. The Social Security and Medicaid/MassHealth programs have work incentives that can help young people give work a try, and provide a “safety net” in case the job does not work out. The purpose of this booklet is to give families and professionals working with young people some practical, hands-on information about work incentives.

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Independence, Dignity and Choice in Long-Term Care Act - New Jersey

As part of this Act, requirements were instituted involving the state's ADRCs and the global budgeting process used to support them. The Act provides specific directives that address financing and management plans, implementation and operation of the Medicaid LTC expenditure reforms, and requires an annual report, one of which is also included here, that documents reallocation of funds to home and community based care.

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Developing and Implementing Self-Direction Programs and Policies: A Handbook

The Handbook was developed to provide state staff, policymakers, service providers, program participants, and other stakeholders with a comprehensive source of information about participant direction programs and policies. Its primary purpose is to explain how States can increase program participants’ choice of and control over their services and supports. In addition to providing detailed information, the Handbook also provides links to additional web resources on the selected topics.

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Information and Assistance Training Video and Manual - NY Connects Choices for Long-Term Care

This curriculum, "Choices for Long-Term Care" was developed by the New York State Office for the Aging in partnership with Albany area institutions. These materials serve as a tool for NY Connects professionals to better understand the philosophy and definition of information and assistance, enhance their communication skills, and become familiar with the call map to better assist callers.

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National Center on Senior Transportation Website

This website is designed to increase transportation options for older adults and enhance their ability to live more independently within their communities throughout the United States. It features the development, collection and distribution of information and resources for use by communities, transportation providers, state and local governments, aging and human service providers, and older adults and their caregivers.

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2009 CMS Money Follows the Person Conference Materials

March 2-4, 2009 state program staff, CMS staff, and technical assistance providers met in Baltimore to discuss Money Follows the Person and other strategies for helping people move out of nursing homes. Speakers presented on topics ranging from service integration, housing finance strategies, mentoring, quality, and many others.

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Senate Committee on Aging Hearing on Health Care Reform in an Aging America

Program administrators, advocates, and researchers advise the Senate on ways to improve wellbeing and cost outcomes of long-term care by increasing access to HCBS. They speak on national demographics, successful HCBS programs of the past and present, state programs in Wisconsin and Florida, integrating acute and long-term care for dual eligibles, and program finance models. See “Video Contents Index” for time stamps and information on each testimony.

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A Synthesis of Direct Service Workforce Demographics and Challenges Across Intellectual/ Developmental Disabilities, Aging, Physical Disabilities, and Behavioral Health

This cross-disability synthesis white paper presents an overview of direct service workforce (DSW) challenges and practices across sectors and provides a call to action regarding these issues. Little has been written about how DSW jobs vary by population served. Beyond demographics and challenges, the authors also examine the development of different service models, promising practices and areas for planning and action. The appendix catalogs core competencies for each group.

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Innovative Models and Best Practices in Case Management and Support Coordination

Models, innovations, and best practices in case management and support coordination for persons with disabilities are described here. Policy issues, the CMS Quality Framework, and types of case management and differences in service by waiver group are given. The brief also links to innovative programs in 7 states and England.

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Quality Management Plan - Vermont DDAS

This quality services review consists of direct feedback from individuals who receive services, record reviews, observations, and discussions with agency staff. Agencies are reviewed against clear benchmarks and receive feedback from review staff throughout the process. Quality Action Plans address areas for improvement and are completed by each agency with technical assistance provided by the Quality Management Unit.

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