Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG)

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Medicaid Commission: Final Report and Recommendations

This report presents the Medicaid Commission's recommendations for the long-term sustainability of the Medicaid program. Review the recommendations about Long-Term Care, Benefits Design, Eligibility, Health Information Technology, Quality and Care Coordination. The Commission strongly recommends increased state flexibility in many areas to tackle more locally influenced issues.

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Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans for Dual Eligibles: A Primer

This issue brief focuses on the special needs population of dual eligible’s as defined in the Special Needs Plan (SNP), a type of Medicare Advantage plan created by the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA). The brief concludes how the SNP has failed this population and offers recommendations for improving dual-eligible SNPs’ prospects.

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A Framework for State-Level Analysis of Duals: Interleaving Medicare and Medicaid Data

The first in a series of reports, this study is a product of a larger effort by the state of Maryland and The Hilltop Institute to address questions related to the coordination of care for Medicaid recipients who are dually eligible for Medicare benefits. The report focuses on issues related to setting Medicaid payment rates. Although based on Maryland data alone, results from this study will be broadly relevant to other states as well.

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grants: Presentation and Resources

This presentation on Medicaid Infrastructure Grants (MIG) presents information regarding what ADRCs need to know about work incentive programs for individuals with disabilities. The presentation was part of the ADRC TA program and was delivered in November 2008. Additionally, a link is included to an informational website for the Ticket to Work Incentives Improvement Act.

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Family Care Self-Directed Supports – Wisconsin

Wisconsin used MIG funds to increase self-directed supports within a managed care framework in their state. Find here a set of policy recommendations used for setting the stage for this effort as well as a qualitative study outlining the implementation process. There are also several presentations focused on training support workers to understand and facilitate self-direction, using Cash & Counseling to support employment, and helping people with traumatic brain injuries return to work.

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