Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG)

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Self-Determination and Revitalization of Integrated Employment - Wisconsin

Wisconsin uses MIG funds to increase integrated employment using strategies such as vocational planning, peer support, social enterprises, and self-employment. The first resource here presents best practices in integrated employment from 23 states. The rest are manuals and training materials for replicating vocational planning, social enterprise, and self-employment programs.

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Sensory Impairments: Employer Resources – Wisconsin

Wisconsin developed this project to improve work opportunities for students with sensory impairments by educating employers. The first document is a resource guide on low-cost workplace accommodations, with a focus on assistive technology. The second presents the findings of a statewide employer survey on accommodations and trainings used. The final document is the year-end MIG report for the project.

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WorkSource Wisconsin Employer Disability Resource Center

Wisconsin developed the WorkSource website and phone and email hotline to answer employers’ questions about recruiting and employing people with disabilities. Here you can find a focus group and needs assessment report used in developing the website. There are also a WorkSource brochure, a list of questions that can be answered within 24 hours, and a link to the site.

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Pathways to Independence Universal Design Symposium – Wisconsin

An eclectic group of experts, from self-advocates and service providers to employers and construction companies, were convened to set short, medium, and long-term goals towards creating a comprehensive employment system in WI. This document reports on the agenda and goals drawn up through this effort. Areas covered include organization and planning, public awareness, and policy.

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Assistive Technology Maintenance and Repair – Wisconsin

Wisconsin Pathways to Independence convened a series of symposia to improve the process of maintenance and repair (M&R) for mobility assistive technology (AT) and its effects on outcomes such as employment. The symposium report presents current knowledge and sums up future objectives. The mobility survey reports on user experience and employment outcomes. Finally, the current practices report analyzes the processes involved in M&R to identify aspects that increase complexity and time of repair.

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2006 Annual Report: Assistive Technology Access Training – Wisconsin

Access Training helps therapists and support professionals to improve skills in assessing the assistive technology (AT) needs of persons with disabilities. This document reports on the project's accomplishments in 2006, namely two major training events. One focused on serving people with mobility needs, the other on people with sensory and learning disabilities.

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Peer Power Mentoring Program Toolkit – Wisconsin

Find here documents needed for managing a peer mentoring program. Advisory committee meeting materials illustrate the planning process. Flyers, posters and press releases aid in marketing. Letters to parents and mentors and interview questionnaires and assessments for recruitment are also given. So are worksheets and activity guides for use once a mentor and mentee have been matched.

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Youth Leadership and Development Training – Wisconsin

The WI Statewide Transition Initiative receives guidance from a Youth Advisory Board (YAB). The materials contained here were developed to teach workers to help support meaningful work by the Board via youth leadership training and development. The YAB description provides the details and goals of the program. The facilitators guide and presentation structured the training, and the youth activities and programming resource support implementation.

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Building Gateways Strategic Map 2007-2010: Building a Comprehensive System for Competitive Employment of West Virginians with Disabilities

A diverse team of agency administrators, partner organizations, and technical assistance providers collaborated to begin the process of creating a comprehensive and coordinated statewide employment support system. This map is the first product of the process and identifies “enabling prerequisites” for creating a more detailed strategic plan. Ten goals are articulated as guidelines for further progress.

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