Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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Evidence Based Practice-Six at a Glance

SAMHSA newsletter article describing briefly six evidence-based practices that are effective for persons who experience mental illness and which are the focus of SAMHSA's national project on evidence-based practices. Components of the six Evidence-Based Practices toolkits are similar, but the practices themselves are diverse, and they may be unfamiliar to some practitioners and supervisors in the field today.

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Evidence-Based Practices-Promoting Recovery With Proven Solutions

SAMHSA's Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) is currently sponsoring a national project to promote the widespread adoption of six evidence-based practices (EBPs)—treatments that have consistently proven to generate positive outcomes for adults with serious mental illness. Specifically, project teams are working to develop, test, revise, and disseminate comprehensive resource toolkits that will enable practitioners to replicate EBPs successfully and reap the benefits in community settings.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: California- Village Integrated Service Agency

This document highlights the Village Integrated Service Agency, a program of the Mental Health Association in Los Angeles County. The program provides coordinated, comprehensive services for people with mental illness. Available services are determined by the needs and goals of the participants. This report describes the program and its effectiveness in helping people with mental illness live independently.

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Arkansas\' RFP for Statewide Web-based Consumer Information, Assessment, Directory of Services System

The purpose for this request for proposals (RFP) was to solicit proposals from qualified entities to provide under contract with the Department of Human Services a state-wide web-based online consumer information resource, personal assessment, and directory of services for people who are aging and people with disabilities, including developmental disabilities and mental illness.

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