Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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Community Living Brief: Consumer/Survivor-Operated Mental Health Services

This Community Living Brief addresses the issue of consumer/survivor–operated programs and how they have had a significant impact on the delivery of mental health services in this country. The central values of consumer-operated services (empowerment, choice, and to a growing extent, self-determination) now are recognized within the traditional mental health system. At a systems level, consumers/survivors have a formal and recognized voice in planning, implementation, and research.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Michigan: Increasing Access and Choice through Person-Centered Planning

The State of Michigan combined several funding sources in its contracts with local community mental health agencies, which serve people with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and addiction disorders. To ensure access and improve choice, the contracts require local agencies offer a wide array of services and use a person-centered planning process to determine a person’s service plan. In the first two years of using this model, access to services improved and costs were reduced.

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Texas Health and Human Services Commission Website

This site provides a comprehensive reference guide which provides information on over 225 health and human service programs provided by state agencies in Texas. The profile for each program contains contact information; program, service, and target population descriptions; basic eligibility criteria; authorizing statutes; and information on how Texans can apply for the program.

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Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Website

The Department is the state of Tennessee's mental health and developmental disabilities authority and is responsible for system planning, setting policy and quality standards, system monitoring and evaluation, disseminating public information and advocating for persons of all ages who have mental illness, serious emotional disturbance or developmental disability. The website offers information on services and where to find help.

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