Physical Disabilities

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A Guide to Accessible Recreation in West Virginia

WV Real Choice worked in collaboration with other agencies and organizations to create improvements in long term support systems so persons with disabilities and/or long term illnesses can make their own choices and have the necessary supports to live and work in their communities. The grant worked on many recreation activities including the attached guide (and web version) created to list accessible recreation sites, features and locations of destinations for state residents and visitors.

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Housing Information Briefs and Brochures: West Virginia

WV Real Choice worked in collaboration with other agencies and organizations to create improvements in long term support systems so persons with disabilities and/or long term illnesses can make their own choices and have the necessary supports to live and work in their communities. The grant worked on many housing activities. Their products include a housing guide, information briefs, brochures, press release and PSA created by the program to explain and address housing needs.

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Real Choice Community Grant Request for Proposals and Questionnaire

WV Real Choice worked in collaboration with other agencies and organizations to create improvements in long term support systems so persons with disabilities and/or long term illnesses can make their own choices and have the necessary supports to live and work in their communities. One way the grant accomplished systems change at a grassroots level is by funding innovative community-based model projects. Review program materials including the RFP flyer and a project process questionnaire.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Training Final Report: West Virginia

This grant provided people with knowledge and resources concerning their rights and choices and educated key agencies throughout the state. This report provides an overview of grant activities include the Real Choice Speaker’s Bureau, training sessions and conferences. Trainings were conducted at over 40 Department of Health and Human Resource offices and 20 for the Division of Rehabilitation Services. Three conferences (Transitions, PATHS and People First) were also conducted.

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Reaching Out Curriculum

The Real Choice Systems Change grant created a turn-key curriculum to promote inclusive community support for West Virginians of all ages and all disability types. Accessible curriculum addressing advocacy, community living, self-determination and transition was developed for the public, health care and social service providers, administrators and policymakers. A writing retreat was held to create the document and the outcomes and curriculum index were made available in electronic format.

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SPD Consumer Survey: Survey Development and Field Test Report

The Oregon Dept. of Human Services, Division of Seniors and People with Disabilities (SPD) contracted with Human Service Research Institute to develop a consumer survey exploring the satisfaction of people served by SPD in-home Waiver programs (seniors, people with physical and developmental disabilities). The project team worked collaboratively with SPD staff and Stakeholder Group to develop a survey instrument and process that adequately addresses the interests and concerns of all involved.

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ADRC-TAE: Streamlining Access Self-Assessment with State Examples

How many hoops does a customer have to jump through to receive services? The goal of this self-assessment is to help ADRCs serve as leaders in systems change in the area of streamlined access. The paper outlines several hoops that individuals often have to navigate to gain access to information about LTC services beginning with the initial call. This report contains examples from current grantees, offers context and can be used as a tool for developing a clear strategy for streamlining access.

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ABC\'s of Nursing Home Transition

This self-study guide is offered as an orientation manual for new transition facilitators. Materials were developed with input from Centers for Independent Living and a variety of other organizations. A facilitator is somebody who aids or assists in the transition process. The manual helps new facilitators understand and apply the principles plus resources found useful by successful transition facilitators.

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