Physical Disabilities

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Functional Assessment Report

Creating a single assessment tool to be used across age and disability has been an interest of states, policy makers, and providers for years. An interest also exists to develop a consumer-driven participatory assessment where consumers take a more active role. Following review and input from a diverse work group, this tool was piloted for 16 months and a qualitative evaluation was conducted to determine its utility. The development process yielded key findings and recommendations.

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CPIGs Fly: Consumer Involvement within the Massachusetts Real Choice and Independence Plus Grants

Is your program challenged by effective methods to meaningful consumer involvement in the redesign of long-term services and support systems? This report reviews the history and effectiveness of the consumer involvement strategy used from the consumer, state partner, and grant staff perspectives. The report informs future consumer involvement methods in grant activities and other policy decision-making activities and also identifies lessons learned and creates recommendations.

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Center for Disability Issues in the Health Professions Website

This website offers products, courses and services, online resources, and news and announcements for health professions education, and to improve access for people with disabilities to health, health education and health care services. Check out a number of their great resources including the Evacuation Preparedness Guide, Aging with a Disability information, and other tools for decreasing health care barriers.

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Long-Term Care Reform: Legislative Efforts to Shift Care to the Community

This report describes examples of more narrowly focused state legislation that is setting the policy and infrastructure for consumer direction, expanding the direct care workforce, and supporting persons who return to the community after living in institutions. The Appendix includes the specific legislative language of selected bills covered in the report.

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Bridging Resources to Peer Mentor Support

The Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital has shared a synopsis and tools they have developed as part of their peer mentoring program for people with recently acquired spinal cord injuries. Mentors also have spinal cord injuries and have similar backgrounds. This peer mentor model could be adapted to a variety of situations. Other more detailed tools (such as weekly and monthly reports) are also available by contacting the staff.

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Bridging Silos: Linkages among the DI, SSI, Medicare, and Medicaid Programs, Part I & II

Review two papers that center on the topic of public disability and health benefits and the fundamentals of the Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs and their relationships with Medicare and Medicaid. Part I looks at definitions, distinctions and overlaps; it reviews the effects on the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act. Part II discusses major initiative and issues in these programs in light of growing administrative, fiscal, and other problems.

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NASHP\'s 19th Annual State Health Policy Conference Presentations: Leaders with Nerves of Steel

Speaker presentations from the recently concluded 19th Annual State Health Policy Conference in Pittsburgh are now available. Topics include Helping Troubled Youth, High Performance Health Systems, Balancing Long-Term Care, Improving Quality, Assuring Better Child Health and Development, Redesigning Coverage in Medicaid, Patient Safety, and Using Data to Inform Public Policy. Review the presentations and other hot topics in state health policy.

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Centers for Independent Livings (CIL) Pathfinder for Services and Programs for Older Americans

This resource guide was developed to help CILs: 1. understand specific needs and problems that are unique to older persons as they age, 2. understand the network of aging organizations including their organizational structure and funding sources, 3. help identify ways to network with these established “aging” agencies and 4. locate and tap into some of the monies that are available for “senior” programs. The guide has 13 sections covering topics from assistive technology to collaboration ideas.

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Making Sure the Money Follows the Person in Your State Webcast

ILRU hosted a webcast where Bob Kafka, from ADAPT of Texas and Gwen Gillenwater from the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) offered ideas about how policy planners, agencies, states and advocates can promote Money Follows the Person. There are a number of elements to consider including systemic issues, service coordination, housing, mental health, consumer involvement, quality and accountability. Listen to the presentation, review the transcript or read the handouts.

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