Physical Disabilities

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Community Access to Services & Supports- Final Report

One of two mini-projects aimed at engaging Medicaid-eligible consumers in an experiment with options of self-direction, the purpose of Community Access was to test creative methods that increase the opportunity of children and adults with disabilities to exercise self-determination. The project met the three objectives of supporting at least 12 individuals, develop a community advisor model to identify core competencies, and to identify barriers to full responses for requested services.

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Recommendations for Achieving System-Wide, Sustainable Self-Determination and Self-Direction in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

This policy development paper was written as part of the C-PASS demonstration project. The paper offers an overview and definition of self-determination plus three overall recommendations that are critical to making self-direction a reality. The challenge of moving self-direction from a relatively small scale to the foundation upon which all services to people with disabilities and older persons are built remains but the MASS-CPASS initiative, along with others, will help create that path.

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Real Choice Consumer Work Group - A Compilation of Consumer Position Papers

These position papers completed by a work group result from the Real Choice Consumer Work Group's determination to improve the lives of people with disabilities in West Virginia and to contribute to their own recommendations and strategies on major issues. This compilation of papers address: Waiting Lists; Strengthening Personal Assistance Programs in West Virginia; and Expanding the Horizons of Employement Options for West Virginians with Disabilities.

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From Here to There...The Self-Advocacy Handbook

This unique and innovative handbook is a guide for educators, providers, support people and/or family members to use as they work closely with youth and adults with significant disabilities, mentoring them as they develop and practice self-advocacy skills that will promote the highest level of independence and success in life activities.

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Personal Assistance Services for Individuals with Serious Psychiatric Disabilities: Training Curriculum

This curriculum to train personal assistants has two elements: a competency or skill development component and a didactic or knowledge development component. The skill development components include Connecting, Coaching, Collaboration, and Managing Crises. The knowledge development component is a web-bases curriculum entitled Personal Assistance Services for Individuals with Serious Psychiatric Disabilities.

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Louisiana\'s Plan For Immediate Action: Providing Long-Term Care Choices For the Elderly and People with Disabilities

This plan describes fundamental changes that states have implemented and found effective in controlling the public costs of long-term care while insuring that people receive quality services of the type, and in the settings, that they choose.

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Evaluation of the Maine Aging and Disability Resource Center Project

This final evaluation report reviews the Maine ADRC project which began with three sites designed to demonstrate the \"no wrong door\" concept. Part I of this report describes the experience of, and recommendations from, the DASH Network in Bangor. Part II of the report focuses on the experience of the 3 local coalitions and their member organizations and highlights coalitions' community development activities and recommendations for future development.

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ADRC-TAE Issue Brief: Online Medicaid Applications

ADRCs have used a number of strategies to streamline access to long-term services and supports. One key strategy, used by many ADRCs, is to provide online applications for Medicaid or screening tools to assess eligibility for benefits. This issue brief provides details about ADRC grant efforts related to online applications. The report details both advantages and challenges plus provides a case example for South Carolina.

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ADRC-TAE Issue Brief: How ADRCs Can Effectively Assist Veterans

Whether by establishing strong referral protocols with local or state veterans agencies or by serving veterans directly, ADRC staff should be trained to assist veterans who come to ADRCs for information, assistance, or referral. This Issue Brief includes an overview of veterans, the services and benefits offered by the VA, examples of productive collaborations between veterans agencies and ADRCs, and resources for ADRCs.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: South Carolina - Home Modifications Specialist

South Carolina hired an environmental modifications specialist to improve the quality of home modifications funded by its Medicaid HCBS waivers. The specialist trains case managers to develop specifications for ramps, and develops specifications for other home modifications so contractors can quickly make an informed bid. South Carolina also leveraged a state-funded home modification program to expand the types of modifications available in its waivers.

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