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Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service Programs: Data Update

Developing HCBS alternatives to institutional care has been a priority for many state Medicaid programs over the last three decades. While the majority of long-term care dollars still go toward institutional care, the national percentage of spending on HCBS has more than doubled from 19 percent in 1995 to 41 percent in 2007. This article presents a summary of the main trends to emerge from the latest (2006) expenditures and participant data for the three main Medicaid HCBS programs.

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Innovations Clearinghouse on Family Caregiving

FCA launched this online community promoting professional knowledge around families in their caregiving role. The site offers resources to help policymakers, professionals and family caregivers develop caregiver-friendly legislation or initiatives, implement caregiver support programs or services, and access information to enhance the delivery of quality care. Interactive site features include an online forum and user submissions.

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Rebalancing Long-Term Care Systems: State Case Studies-Final Case Studies

As part of Research on Program Management Techniques by States to Rebalance their Long Term Care Systems, Final Case Studies were conducted in each State for the time period ending December 2007. These Case Studies focus particularly on the reflections of State government officials on rebalancing goals, accomplishments, and next steps as they reflect on all the State’s experiences in moving towards more community-based services.

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Improving Direct Care Work: Integrating Theory, Research and Practice

This paper presents a broad overview of the direct-care workforce. The authors examine issues such as wages, benefits, training, worker retention rates, staff satisfaction, and the importance of worker-focused "culture change" initiatives in long-term care settings. They conclude that the quality of direct-care jobs must be increased in order to attract a "stable and competent" workforce, and point to research that suggests ways to create more collaborative, effective, and satisfying jobs.

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2009 Survey of Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Adult Day Services and Home Care Costs

In this survey, the MetLife Mature Market Institute found that private room nursing home rates rose 3.3% to $219 per day or $79,935 per year, while assisted living also rose 3.3% on average to $3,131 per month. Home health care aides now cost an average of $21 per hour; adult day services run $67 per day. The report includes average costs for each state, as well as for several individual cities, and includes other long-term care facts about provider training and available services.

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File Downloads / Links - Long-term Care: Facts on Care in the US

This resource for long-term care researchers and policy analysts, allows users to create interactive maps and tables and download all data available on the site. The goal is to allow researchers to trace clear relationships between state policies and local market forces and the quality of long-term care. Policymakers will also be able to use the information to craft state and local guidelines that promote high-quality, cost-effective, equitable care to older Americans.

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Support Broker Training - Idaho

Idaho’s, My Voice, My Choice training program, is an online resource for those wishing to be Support Brokers. The site’s main categories include a section for Computer Instructions, Meeting the Trainers, Readings and Activities. The course itself stresses several key concepts: Self-Determination, the Philosophical Shift that is occurring from traditional supports to a self-directed model, Person-Centered Planning, and the Ethics and Professionalism required as a successful Support Broker.

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National Evaluation of the Demonstration to Improve the Recruitment and Retention of the Direct Service Community Workforce

In 2005 CMS funded a national evaluation by a consortium led by the RAND Corporation to study the implementation and outcomes of ten funded initiatives. These initiatives were meant to improve the recruitment and retention of the Direct Service Community Workforce. Review the report and listen to a recorded webinar where the author's present their findings.

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Campaign for Quality Care: Dementia Care Practice Recommendations in a Home Setting

The Alzheimer's Association, through its Campaign for Quality Care, recently released Dementia Care Practice Recommendations for Professionals Working in a Home Setting. This report is Phase 4 of the Campaign and it covers the topics covered in Phases 1-3. The evidence-based recommendations in Phases 1-3 covered good dementia care, food and fluid consumption, pain management, social engagement, wandering, falls, physical restraints, and end-of-life-care practices and issues.

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Arizona Links Options Counselor Online Tool

Looking for ways to help consumers start planning their futures? Review this self-guided program. The Arizona ADRC has completed and implemented an online Options Counselor module, as part of the state's main ADRC web site. The Options Counselor content was crafted through the cooperation of a multi-organization committee. The site function and design was developed and implemented by the Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Aging and Adult Services.

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