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ADvancing States 2016 Policy Priorities: Aging and Disabilities in America

ADvancing States has released the association’s 2016 policy priorities. The priorities document outlines issues and recommendations regarding a wide range of health and human services programs important to older adults and people with disabilities. These include issues such as: • Implementation of the Older Americans Act reauthorization; • Medicaid LTSS innovations; • Support for caregivers; and • Employment for people with disabilities •

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On Pins and Needles: Caregivers of Adults with Mental Illness

The National Alliance for Caregiving, in collaboration with Mental Health America and the National Alliance on Mental Illness, released a report surrounding the topic of caregivers of adults with mental illness. "At least 8.4 million Americans are providing care to an adult with an emotional or mental health issue, and nearly three quarters report that caregiving causes high emotional stress." This report examines the inadequacies the families of individuals with mental illness face in the U.S.

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A Consensus Framework for Long-Term Care Financing Reform

The Long-Term Care Financing Collaborative released a final report detailing the consensus framework for long-term care financing reform. LTCFC offered recommendations for reforms to expand access to long-term services and supports (LTSS) for individuals with all financial backgrounds. The proposed changes include: Clear private and public roles for long-term care financing; a new universal catastrophic long-term care insurance program; and redefining Medicaid LTSS to empower greater autonomy.

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Advocacy Starts at Home: Strengthening Supports for Low-Income Older Adults and Family Caregivers

Justice in Aging, with the support of the Albert and Elaine Borchard Center on Law and Aging, released a new paper, Advocacy Starts at Home: Strengthening Low-Income Older Adults and Caregivers. The paper's structure introduces Margaret and her story of being a family caregiver, discusses the problems as a result of the strain of poverty on low-income family caregivers and then offers solutions to help support older adults and their caregivers.

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Valuing the Invaluable 2015 Update: Undeniable Progress, but Big Gaps Remain

The report updates national and state estimates of the economic value of family caregiving using the most current data available. It also explains the challenges that family caregivers face today, highlights key policy developments for family caregivers since the 2011 edition of the report, and provides recommendations to better support caregiving families.

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Long Term Care in America: Americans' Outlook and Planning for Future Care

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research conducted a study to examine the policy issue of long term care and its financing. This research investigated the awareness, attitudes, and understanding of long term care by Americans over the age of 40 through three different studies. The studies have explored diverse issues surrounding long term care like the caregiving experience, person-centered care experiences, and opinions on long term care policy.

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Care Coordination in Managed Long Term Services and Supports

The AARP Public Policy Institute released a new report conducted by Truven Health Analytics. The two part study examined Medicaid Managed Long Term Services and Supports program contracts in 18 different states for older adults and people with physical disabilities and case studies of new care coordination models in Ohio and Illinois. The findings indicate that states need care coordination and that these care coordinators provide crucial support for consumers and their family caregivers.

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Successful Medicaid Enrollment Strategies to Cover the Uninsured

The UnitedHealth Center for Health Reform and Modernization released a new brief. Many Americans do not have health insurance coverage, and Medicaid enrollment can cover the gap of the uninsured, if successful practices are used. This brief highlights four approaches used in Kentucky and Arkansas to increase enrollment for low-income residents to cut their uninsured populations in half. The solutions in this brief can inform other states on efforts to decrease the number of uninsured people.

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Caregiving in the U.S. 2015

This study provides insights into higher-hour caregivers (at least 21 hours of care a week), caregivers ages 75 and older, multicultural caregivers, and the challenges facing caregivers in the workplace. While the “typical” family caregiver is a 49-year-old woman who cares for a relative, caregivers on the whole are becoming much more diverse. The study found nearly a quarter of America’s caregivers are millennials between the ages of 18 and 34 and are equally likely to be male or female.

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