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State Long-Term Services and Supports Scorecard: What Distinguishes High- from Low-Ranking States? Case Studies

These are three case studies of LTSS services in Minnesota, Idaho, and Georgia done by the Public Policy Institute of AARP as follow-up studies to the Raising Expectations 2011 State Scorecard on LTSS. The State LTSS Scorecard examines states' performance across 25 indicators that comprise four key dimensions of a high-performing system.

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Fostering Person-Centered Supports and Services in Michigan's Nursing Homes

As part of PHI's One Vision: Moving Forward project, Michigan long-term care stakeholders discussed the potential use of Medicaid financial incentives to encourage person-centered care in nursing homes.The resulting publication outlines the ideas and recommendations produced by the discussion. The stakeholders primarily considered metrics, such as resident and staff satisfaction, that could be used to quantify nursing homes' commitment to person-centeredness.

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Community-Based Organizations and MLTSS: An Issue Brief to Assess CBO Readiness

As almost half of the States have implemented MLTSS programs, community-based organizations, will be significantly impacted. At the 2013 HCBS conference, ADvancing States, with support from the SCAN Foundation, held a day-long intensive to discuss these impacts. This report outlines 5 discrete roles that CBOs are well-suited to play in MLTSS programs using as a reference point CMS’ 2013 guidance on MLTSS program design and implementation. To request a hard copy version, email Ali Diaz at

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An Inventory of Publicly Funded Participant-Directed Long-Term Services and Supports Programs in the United States

After a decade of changes in federal law, regulation, and policy designed to promote the growth of publicly funded participant-directed long-term services and supports (PD-LTSS) programs, the number of these programs has grown considerably. This article details the process for developing this data resource, describes some of the major characteristics of PD-LTSS programs in the United States, and discusses possible implications and areas for future research.

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Raising Expectations, 2014: A State Scorecard on Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Adults, People with Physical Disabilities, and Family Caregivers

This State Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Scorecard is a multidimensional approach to measure state-level performance of LTSS systems that assist older people, adults with disabilities, and their family caregivers. This second edition of the State LTSS Scorecard measures LTSS system performance across five key dimensions: affordability and access; choice of setting and provider; quality of life and quality of care; support for family caregivers; and effective transitions.

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Money Follows the Person (MFP) Demonstration: Overview of State Grantee Progress, July to December 2013

Review the progress by the 42 MFP grantee states (including the District of Columbia) that are actively transitioning MFP participants. MFP grants support state efforts to help individuals living in institutions move to home and community-based settings if that is where they wish to receive LTSS. During the second half of 2013, states transitioned 5,485 new enrollees, bringing the total number of people that had ever transitioned to the community through MFP to 40,693 at the close of 2013.

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Listening to Family Caregivers: The Need to Include Family Caregiver Assessment in Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Service Waiver Programs

The report presents findings from a 50-state survey examining how well the needs of family caregivers are assessed when states evaluate the needs of older people & adults with disabilities who qualify for HCBS programs under Medicaid. It is the first detailed analysis of family caregiver assessment tools and processes in use by the states in Medicaid waiver programs. The report also highlights “promising practices” in family caregiver assessment in 3 states, and offers policy recommendations.

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Training Requirements for Personal Care Attendants

This is a summary of the results of a mini-survey conducted in January 2012. The purpose of this survey was to gain insight on different states’ requirements for Medicaid-funded personal care attendants (PCAs). The results from 24 respondent states showed variation in requirements, from required background checks to CPR training and other educational and health requirements.

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State of Aging: 2009 State Perspectives on State Units on Aging Policies and Practices

Interested in the work and current challenges that face The National Association of State Units on Aging members? This report, resulting from a February through April 2009 NASUA survey, was given to its members to obtain a snapshot of their work and the current challenges they face. The results, divided into 10 themes, provide that snapshot as well as the states’ perspective on the evolution of the aging network as it works to redesign the long-term care delivery system.

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