Aging/Older Adults

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California Department on Aging Website

The California Department of Aging administers a broad range of home-and community-based services throughout California, working primarily with the Area Agencies on Aging who serve seniors, adults with disabilities, and caregivers. The Department also works with other public and private agencies in a variety of partnerships to implement our vision. Links to: Services and Programs, Statistics and Demographics, Laws and Regulations, Legislative Bills, & Career Opportunities With CDA.

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2003 CMS Conference Presentations

The Living and Working in the Community 2003 conference, sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), was held March 4-5, 2003. Participants included Medicaid grantees, consumers, advocates, Federal and State representatives, providers, and academics. The link provide here will direct you to the presentations from this conference. Topics include: Quality assurance, nursing facility transition, mental health, single point of entry, workforce issues and housing issues.

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Arkansas Department of Human Services Homepage

This site provides links and information on services available in the state including: Aging, Blind, Children, Childcare, Development Disabilities, Employment Search, Family Services, Juvenile Offenders, Mental Illness, Nursing Home Residents, Rehabilitation, Transportation, Volunteers. Users can also determine if they are eligible for DHS services.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Florida- Providing Managed Care Organizations with Financial Incentives to Expand Community Care and Limit Nursing Home Care

This report briefly describes a managed long-term care pilot project the State of Florida has initiated to test a Medicaid managed care program that includes incentives for coordinating acute and long-term care and for using less expensive, community-based alternatives to nursing homes for people age 65 or older with disabilities. This report includes background information and descriptions of the intervention, implementation, and impact.

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Improving Quality in Community-Based Care Conference: \"Risk Planning Systems\"

These materials are from the national conference sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and held in Nashville on May 2-3, 2002. The goal of the conference was to provide an opportunity for information exchange among decision-makers in the design and implementation of quality management/improvement. This conference was designed to facilitate communication around quality management among state staff, federal agency staff, providers, and consumers/advocates.

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Improving Quality in Community-Based Care Conference: \"Designing Meaningful Consumer Surveys\"

These materials are from the national conference sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and held in Nashville on May 2-3, 2002. The goal of the conference was to provide an opportunity for information exchange among decision-makers in the design and implementation of quality management/improvement. This conference was designed to facilitate communication around quality management among state staff, federal agency staff, providers, and consumers/advocates.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Pennsylvania- Resource Counseling and Financial Assitance for Informal Caregivers

This report describes the State of Pennsylvania’s Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP), administered by the Department of Aging, that offers a comprehensive service package with specific funding and services for family caregivers. FCSP uses state & recently available federal funds to allow the caregiver to choose the services needed to help care for an older relative at home and provide financial assistance with out-of-pocket expenses. Early program evaluation found the services effective.

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