Aging/Older Adults

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Transition/Diversion in West Virginia: A Navigator’s Guide to Community Inclusion

Part of the Transitioning to Inclusive Communities (TIC) Project this “how-to” book is for “navigators,” people who want to assist those who wish to move from a nursing facility to the community. The guide gives basic information, plus supportive documents, tools, forms and other resource materials. Sections include: Navigator Roles and Responsibilities, Individualizing Transition/Diversion, the Transition Process, Building a Team, Tools for Success, Responsibilities, Rights and Resources.

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CPASS and Consumer Direction Hawaii Website

This site was created to support self-advocates and their communities to participate in Statewide personal assistance service systems change, promoting consumer-directed service models through community councils and customized training and technical assistance. The list of tools includes CPASS Business such as the calendar and newsletter as well as Consumer Direction & CPASS Resources and Training materials (Self-Advocacy and Personal Assistance Handbooks, Service Models, Support Brokerage).

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program - FY 2002 Nursing Facility Transition Grantees: Final Report

This report describes the enduring changes brought about by the NFT Grantees who either established or improved nursing facility transition programs or helped establish infrastructure. This two-part paper first examines changes and remaining challenges, lessons learned and recommendations, and later provides state-specific summaries. Review grantee activities including new statutes, policies, funding and expense changes, plus outreach and technical materials developed to facilitate transition.

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Summary of ADRC Semi-Annual Report Consumer Satisfaction Information Spring 2007

Grantees are required to establish measurable performance goals for their programs as well as indicators that enable them to track progress. Relating to consumer and client satisfaction with services, it is important that established goals assess visibility, trust, ease of access and responsiveness of program functions and staff. This summary contains findings of ADRCs assessments of consumer satisfaction relating to performance indicators and reported in the semi-annual report.

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State Policy in Practice: A Medicaid Primer for Housing Officials

The most striking characteristic of housing and health care in this country is the disconnection between the two. Access to affordable, accessible housing is critical to the success of the Money Follows the Person Demonstration Program, which will provide opportunities for thousands of Medicaid beneficiaries living in institutions to relocate to the community. Presented in a concise question and answer format, this document explains many of the features of what can be a complicated program.

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Partnerships to Independence: Resources for Successful Nursing Home Transitions

Partnerships to Independence (PTI) was created by the Birmingham Independent Living Center in Birmingham, Alabama through a grant from CMS. This transition guide addresses nursing home outreach, support needs and skills, follow-up, and barriers. The purpose of PTI was to develop a model program that could be replicated in other CILs in Alabama and the US. ILC staff identified a number of basic resources and strategies that can be used to promote nursing home transition.

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Nursing Home Diversion Modernization Grants Program – Press Release

HHS announced an $8.8 million investment to help states provide more affordable choices to individuals struggling to remain in their homes and communities as they age. A total of $5.7 million in federal funding was awarded to 12 states for grants for this nursing home diversion program that will improve state efforts to assist individuals avoid unnecessary nursing home placement, impoverishment and spend-down to Medicaid.

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The President\'s New Freedom Initiative: The 2007 Progress Report

The goal of NFI is to remove barriers to full integration for Americans with disabilities. This report highlights the activities in several areas: increasing access through technology, expanding educational opportunities for youth with disabilities, integrating individuals with disabilities into the workforce, and promoting full access to community life. The report describes initiatives, regulations, grant programs and other efforts to improve integration for youth and adults with disabilities.

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National Institute on Aging Website

Part of the National Institutes of Health, the NIA website offers up-to-date information on aging research. Visit the site to find out the latest research and which clinical trials are recruiting as well as funding opportunities. Studies are related to aging issues such as Alzheimer’s, muscular diseases, Osteoarthritis, Insulin Resistance, High Blood Pressure, Caregiver Stress, Mobility Limitation, Sleep Disorders and more. The site is also now available in Spanish.

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