Aging/Older Adults

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Georgia Aging and Disability Resource Connection Expansion Evaluation

This report describes the process evaluation findings related to ADRC implementation approaches in three expansion sites, presents an initial evaluation of the role and functioning of the ADRC Coalition, and describes the formation of the collaboration between the AAA and the Regional Offices of MHDDAD. A framework includes benchmarks for successful collaboration development, and program logic modeling is discussed as an evaluation framework to guide future process and outcome evaluations.

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Family Caregiver Support: State Facts at a Glance

This report provides information about family caregivers of older Americans and the state-level programs serving them. The profiles provide information on state demographics and programs related to caregiving. They offer a snapshot of each state's caregiver support programs, services offered, funding sources, eligibility criteria, and options for consumer direction. Also, information about locating grandparent support programs is included along with highlights of recent state legislation.

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State Perspectives on Emerging Medicaid Long-Term Care Policies and Practices

The purpose of this survey analysis is to provide states with an overview of the implementation of these DRA changes across the country, specifically in terms of Long-Term Care services and the steps the states have taken. Findings address eligibility, Children with Disabilities, Money Follows the Person, HCBS State Plan Amendments, Transition from Institutions, Managed Care, SPA for Personal Care Services, Cash & Counseling, Care Coordination, Disease Management and Long-Term Care Reform.

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Family Caregiving: State Of The Art, Future Trends Conference

At this conference held in Chicago in March 07, experts from research, policy and practice considered critical questions in long-term caregiving. What is different now than in the past? How can we address the key challenges for family care in the decades ahead? The Proceedings, which cover both plenary sessions and workshop panel presentations, conclude with a summary of recommendations put forth and also highlight policy issues and progress in the field.

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ABCs of ADRCs Replication Manual

South Carolina ADRC compiled this how-to manual for establishing an Aging and Disability Resource Center. Information included: Background of Aging and Disability Resource Centers, What Is An Aging and Disability Resource Center?, Establishing An Aging and Disability Resource Center, A Management Information System to Support the ADRC, Marketing the ADRC, Evaluation and Quality Assurance of the ADRC, Lessons Learned and Sustainability, and Resources.

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West Virginia ADRC Marketing Materials

See a sample of a marketing brochure, describing what the Aging and Disability Resource Centers are, who they serve, and what services are offered. Also, included is the West Virginia logo, which has a four-point black and white star on a blue square background with the words "West Virginia Aging and Disability Resource Centers: Navigating Long-Term Care."

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South Carolina Training Presentations: Long-Term Care Planning for Seniors and Planning for Parents of Children with Disabilities

The SC ADRC project developed these two PowerPoint Presentations used to 1) educate and train adults in South Carolina about the importance of and strategies involved in planning for long-term care needs in the future and 2) train parents or relatives of children with disabilities about future planning for themselves and their children.

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A Blueprint for Action: Developing Livable Communities for All Ages

Each day, decisions affecting residents’ ability to age successfully in their communities are made by housing officials, transportation planners, planning and zoning specialists, parks and recreation officials, and economic development leaders. This guide provides local leaders with tools to build collaborations, a quick-reference kit for practitioners looking for tools, resources, best practices and it also includes a topic-specific list of studies, articles, and leading organizations.

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Funding and Service Recommendations for Transitioning Older Adults: An Examination of Illinois’ Money Management Participants

This report from the Illinois RCSC Rebalancing Grant, quantifies the actual expenses faced by older residents living in the community and applies it to those living in a nursing home seeking reintegration to community living. Furthermore, it hopes to identify a floor of income required to sustain community residency. The analysis should be helpful in formulating system changes for programs including eligibility standards and policies.

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