Aging/Older Adults

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Report of the Taskforce on the Aging of the American Workforce

Created in 2006 and comprised of representatives from nine federal agencies, the taskforce was charged with developing multi-agency strategies to address the aging of the workforce. This report summarizes the Taskforce’s findings and recommendations including self-employment, flexible work arrangements and customized employment. Notably they suggest exploring the increasing the employment focus of Aging and Disability Resource Centers and enhancing collaboration with One-Stop Career Centers.

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Institute for the Future of Aging Services (IFAS) Website

The IFAS website provides research information to providers and policy makers to help them put research findings into practice. Visit the newly improved website to find out how leading experts in applied research are bridging the gap among policy, practice and research communities. Discover best practices, policies and lessons learned on affordable housing plus services, workforce and quality improvement.

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The Administration on Aging’s Nursing Home Diversion Program

This document provides background information on the AoA’s involvement in HCBS delivery and briefly describes three of the twelve Nursing Home Diversion demonstration projects it is funding. In 2007, the AoA invited states to submit proposals to modernize both the service and system elements of their diversion efforts. This program was created in response to an Older Americans Act mandate that AoA help expand access to HCBS long-term care options.

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NASHP's 20th Annual State Health Policy Conference Presentations

Over 25 speaker presentations from the 20th Annual State Health Policy Conference in Denver. Workshop sessions include State Children’s Health Insurance Program, Health Care Reform, Early Childhood Development, Managed Long-Term Care, Quality Improvement and Measurement, Patient Assessment, State Initiatives on Nursing Homes and Increased Community Care, and Medicaid Funding. Review the presentations and other hot topics in state health policy.

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Caring for the Caregivers: Improving Resources for Elder Caregivers In Massachusetts

This MIT Report offers a ten-point plan to start a statewide conversation on change, a research summary on the role that families play as a "shadow workforce" in geriatric healthcare system, and expert commentary on the issues surrounding family caregiver support programs. This new report points the way for state-level action to support family caregivers and for state-level public policy to improve quality of life.

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Washington Aging & Disability Resource Center E-Newsletter

An example of how ADRCs can stay connected, Washington uses a simple text-only format for their newsletter that is meant to bypass spam filters. The text also allows people to "rip-and-read" so they can easily take the information out to use in other settings. There are no attachments, as requested by the newsletter recipients. The newsletter is published monthly and features Local Happenings, National News, and Job Postings.

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Expanding The “Registry” Concept: Creating Access To Care For Consumers & Employment For Care Workers

As part of the January 2008 Monthly ADRC TAE call, Dorie Seavey and Hollis Turnham presented the idea of worker registries. Supporting materials offer an overview of the concept and state examples. Also included is a two-page hand out that lists worker registry websites and offers and example of the database potential functionalities.

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