Aging/Older Adults

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Increasing Use of the Capitated Model for Dual Eligibles: Cost Savings Estimates and Public Policy Opportunities

This report estimates that public financial and personal clinical outcomes can be improved by moving dual eligibles to capitated managed care. The authors view the clinical and eligibility characteristics of dual eligibles as well-matched to the strengths of integrated care programs. The document lays out the reasoning and data behind the estimate, recommends policy changes needed to make the transition, identifies potential barriers to implementation and offers examples from KY and MN.

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Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)-Ticket to Work Site

The Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Projects or WIPAs were funded by 104 new grants awarded throughout the U.S. and the U.S. territories in 2006 to this SSA grantee program. These grants were created to assist SSA disability beneficiaries by providing information about work incentives, benefits planning, and making good choices about work. This website is a resource for consumers, providers and employment and vocational networks.

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Hispanic Family Caregiving in the U.S.

This study provides a detailed profile of Hispanic family caregivers to determine how they differ from non-Hispanic caregivers and to explore their information and service needs. Key findings regarding incidence of family caregiving situations, demographics, care intensity, reported stress levels, and cultural beliefs, and others are presented. The authors also discuss policy implications of the findings.

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Public Policy and Aging Report: Aging Services Network

Four articles provide an update of where the Older Americans Act (OAA) and the Aging Network stand in the face of demographic, economic, and health care issues. The first two cover the history of the legislative and budgetary developments of the network and report on a national survey of Area Agencies on Aging. The third summarizes political vagaries that network agencies encounter. The last advocates that civic engagement efforts must expand to cover disadvantaged and vulnerable older adults.

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The Solid Facts: Home Care in Europe

Many of the same social, health, and economic trends driving the development of home and community-based services in the U.S. are also present in Europe. A team of experts assembled by the World Health Organization presents evidence for the effectiveness of home care, shows how it can be improved, and explains the need for equitable access. It also explores the varied cultural and care contexts in Europe and provides suggestions on educating professionals and the public about these issues.

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Improving Health Coverage for Americans with Disabilities: Policy Options for the President-elect and the 111th Congress

The author focuses on Medicaid and Medicare in offering healthcare reform suggestions. Both legislative and administrative actions are proposed regarding eligibility and enrollment, access to services, program management and delivery systems issues, and financing. Several options relate to HCBS, such as protecting spouses of the medically needy, expanding eligibility for SSI-related groups, and issuing further guidance on waiver waiting lists.

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Valuing the Invaluable: The Economic Value of Family Caregiving, 2008 Update

About 52 million people provided family caregiving worth about $375 billion in 2007. That amount exceeds Medicaid long-term care spending in each state. Caregiving services included in the estimate are personal care, help with everyday tasks, and health-related interventions. The document presents data nationally and by state and concludes with policy recommendations to support and sustain family caregivers.

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Medicaid: A Primer

Everything from program structure, eligibility, services, financing and expenditures are covered here in concise summaries. This updated edition also contains graphics showing expenditures by service and the growth of Medicaid acute care spending as compared to private health plans. The tables at the end present data broken down by state. Refer to the 2007 version for historic perspective.

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Arkansas State Plan on Aging 2008-2011

The Older Americans Act (OAA) requires states to submit a Plan on Aging every 1-4 years focused on reforming long-term care to help keep older people independent. Arkansas presents information on their organization, programs, goals, funding, and people served. Their plan covers areas including Cash & Counseling, Money Follows the Person, transportation planning, disaster preparedness, and others.

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Choices in Living – Arkansas Resource Center Website

This website directs people on how to find information related to aging and disabilities resources in AK using the phone or email. A list of topics for which one can find information is included, as well as documents about services eligibility. Also included here are directions to using the program that were written as a column in the publication "Aging Arkansas."

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