Aging/Older Adults

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The Green House: A New Model of Care – Audio

The narrator interviews proponents, staff, and consumers of the Green House model. During visits to two Green Houses for people with Alzheimer’s in Texas, she discusses costs, outcomes, terminology, and guiding principles. According to the interviews, outcomes such as consumer satisfaction and well-being and employee retention and interaction are better than in institutional settings. The 11 minute audio file is part of the “New Directions in Health Care” podcast series.

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A Framework for State-Level Analysis of Duals: Interleaving Medicare and Medicaid Data

The first in a series of reports, this study is a product of a larger effort by the state of Maryland and The Hilltop Institute to address questions related to the coordination of care for Medicaid recipients who are dually eligible for Medicare benefits. The report focuses on issues related to setting Medicaid payment rates. Although based on Maryland data alone, results from this study will be broadly relevant to other states as well.

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The Aging Integrated Database (AGID)

This website is an on-line query system based on AoA-related data files and surveys, and includes population characteristics from the Census Bureau. The system allows users to produce descriptive information in graphical or tabular form, at the level of detail most suited for their needs. The four options through AGID provide different levels of focus and aggregation of the data from individual data elements within Data-at-a-Glance to full database access within Data Files.

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Training Caregivers for Older Adults in the Home: A Search for Curricula

What curricula are used to train paid and unpaid individuals caring for older adults in the home? The authors conducted a 4-month search to identify and categorize existing curricula nationwide. It was used as a discussion primer for a March 2007 conference that sought to discuss specialized vs. comprehensive training models, standards, and possible credentialing for caregivers and training programs. Contact information for the curricula discussed is provided.

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Research Design Report for the Evaluation of the Money Follows the Person (MFP) Grant Program

Methods for evaluating MFP are mapped out in detail. The report explains the design of the analyses of implementation, impact, and outcomes. It also describes research questions to be answered and methods for tracking the 31 programs. Finally, the synthesis of information and format of the presentation of findings is discussed.

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The Economic Crisis and Its Impact on State Aging Programs

In FY09, 27 states expect budget shortfalls at the same time that HCBS and other services administered by State Units on Aging nationwide experience increased demand. NASUA surveyed 44 states and the District of Columbia about their strategies for coping with this situation. These include creating or increasing waiting lists, cutting budgets, reduced staffing and travel, and adjusting program elements such as eligibility.

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Recognition of Excellence in Aging Research – Senate Special Committee on Aging Report

The Committee compiled a brief inventory of all research and demonstration projects supported by federal agencies. Program details are not provided, but the report does describe the diverse strategies used by 27 agencies to research and support HCBS. Fields covered include biomedical sciences, housing, environmental protection, preventive care, and hospice care, among others.

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Residential Care and Assisted Living Compendium: 2007

This compendium describes regulatory provisions and Medicaid policy for residential care settings in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. It updates an earlier report completed in 2004. This provides an overview of residential care and assisted living policy, a comparison of state’s policy in selected areas, and summaries of each state's regulations for residential care settings, including assisted living facilities.

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