Aging/Older Adults

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An Evidence Database to Support Research in Aging

A new evidence database to support aging research has been released. This easy-to-use online database helps scholars, policy analysts, and advocates stay on top of the latest research and innovations in aging care, including health care, social services, and workforce issues. The database is regularly updated by contributors that filters, reviews, and catalogues articles in professional journals both in the U.S. and abroad. An advisory committee of experts assists in the selection of topics.

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Participant Handbook for IRIS - Wisconsin’s Self-Directed Program

This handbook will help participants in the IRIS Program organize and catalog the information they need to self-direct. The handbook includes information on resources, support and services plan, arranging for services, supports and goods, a glossary and FAQ section. The handbook can be downloaded in English (Large Print and Audio), Spanish, Russian, Hmong, and ASL (movie).

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IRIS: Wisconsin’s Self-Directed Supports Program - Website and Outreach Material

IRIS is a self-directed, long-term care option for elderly people and adults with disabilities. This Medicaid waiver program sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services is available in the 47 counties where Family Care operates. Their website provides information about the program, forms, FAQs, enrollment information and FSA and Participant Handbook.

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Health Characteristics of Adults Aged 55 Years and over: United States–2007

A new CDC report evaluates the quality of life of older Americans. Using data from the 2004 through 2007 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), this report highlights selected health characteristics of four age groups of older adults—55–64 years, 65–74 years, 75–84 years, and 85 years and over. The data are presented for each of these age groups by sex, race, including Hispanic origin, and by poverty, health insurance, and marital status.

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Mississippi ADRC Focus Group Report

The Institute for Disability Studies (IDS) conducted three focus groups in the Central Mississippi Planning & Development District/AAA service area. The groups gathered information from individuals with disabilities and older individuals concerning the status of HCBS programs and independent living related services. Discussion was facilitated by IDS and focused on AoA factors impacting successful ADRC implementation: visibility and trust, ease of access, responsiveness, and effectiveness.

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Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS): Examining the Evidence Base for State Policymakers - Symposium

More than 130 policymakers, health services researchers, practitioners, and policy experts discussed the measures and evidence to examine whether the expansion of home and community-based services has produced desired outcomes (quality, choice, cost, satisfaction and safety) in the long term for older adults and persons with disabilities. The day was divided into four sessions: (quality, consumer-direction, targeting candidates, determining cost-effectiveness). View the agenda and presentations.

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Using Research To Improve Practice and Inform Policy in Assisted Living: A Manual for Community-Based Participatory Research

A new first-of-its-kind e-manual has been published about improving practices and informing policies in assisted living communities through the use of a collaborative method of research – community-based participatory research (CBPR). The manual serves as a “how-to” resource for researchers, practitioners, advocates, policy makers, and community members and explains the principles and methods of community-based participatory research with actual examples from the medication management research.

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