Aging/Older Adults

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Center on Aging and Community–Indiana University

Visit the website for this center that works in partnership with adults who are aging with disabilities to promote their well-being, community-participation, self-determination and leadership. As one of seven centers at the University's Institute on Disability and Community, it conducts research and provides training, assistance and information to individuals, families, professionals and communities.

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Supporting Integrated Care for Dual Eligibles

This policy brief addresses opportunities for integrating care for this high-cost, high-need population. The brief outlines the rationale for integrating care for duals, reasons why integration has been slow to progress, and emerging vehicles to accelerate the pace of fully integrated care. A companion resource paper provides additional details on promising integrated care models and the challenges and opportunities for supporting integrated approaches.

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Consultant Services Request for Proposals - New Mexico

The State of New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department requested proposals from qualified entities to provide statewide services as a Consultant Contractor Agency to individuals who choose to direct their own waiver services in New Mexico’s Self-Directed Waiver program, Mi Via. The attached request outlines the initial instructions for submission, along with qualifications, and responsibilities required for the performance of services as a CCA in the program.

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Consumer Preferences for a Cash Option Versus Traditional Services – New Jersey

The University of Maryland conducted telephone surveys and focus groups to determine consumers’ preferences for a cash option or traditional agency delivered services in New Jersey. This article reports the findings including, demographics, interest in a cash option, and attractive program features.

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Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) for Older Adults in Minnesota: Final Report

A modest evaluation of the experience in Minnesota was included as part of their Cash & Counseling grant and this is the final report describing that qualitative evaluation.This report explores consumer and family member response to CDCS, presenting the results from key informant interviews held in 2007.

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