State/Agency Information

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Illinois- Simplified Access for HCBS Waiver and Older Americans Act Services

This report describes how the State of Illinois simplifies access to home and community-based services for people with disabilities age 60 and older. Local Case Coordination Units coordinate eligibility determination and case management for Medicaid waiver services, state-funded home and community-based services, and Older Americans Act services. This report explains the implementation and impact of this program.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: South Carolina- Improving Responsiveness of Service Managers to Persons\' Needs

This report describes how the State of South Carolina is addressing a problem of inconsistency between an individual’s needs and the service plans developed to meet identified needs. South Carolina added a feature to its automated Case Management System that reminds case managers of needs identified in the assessment that may potentially be included in the service plan. The report details the interventions, implications, and impact of this automated system.

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States in Action: Building Nursing Home Transition into a Balanced Long Term Care System: The Washington Model

This summary was prepared by Robert Mollica based on a site visit to the state of Washington in April 2003 organized by the Rutgers Center for State Health Policy/National Academy for State Health Policy Technical Assistance Exchange Collaborative. Thirteen representatives from Nursing Home Transition Grantees from Alaska, California, Delaware, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts and New Jersey participated in the site visit.

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District of Columbia - Long-Term Care Prior Authorization/Case Management Implementation Project

The District of Columbia, Department of Health, Medical Assistance Administration is undergoing an effort to improve its ability to perform case and care management for the aging and disabled populations within the District. As part of this process, MAA is seeking to implement an information system that can support effective care management assessment and planning.

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Increasing the Quality of Lives and Saving Money: Nebraska\'s Comprehensive Service Delivery Model for Assistive Technology and Home Modifications

This PowerPoint document reports some of Nebraska's services to promote accessibility. Topics of the presentation include employment, independent living, and housing.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: New Jersey- Single Access Point for Information on All Services for Older People

This report explains the State of New Jersey’s single entry system for long-term supports and other services for older people, including a toll-free telephone number for information and services. The effectiveness of the system in each of New Jersey's 21 counties is evaluated through compliance with state protocols and consumer satisfaction reports. The report provides the intervention, implementation, and impact of the program.

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