State/Agency Information

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Maryland Division of Rehabiliation Services Website

Division of Rehabiliation Services (DORS) helps Maryland citizens with disabilities go to work or stay independent in their homes and communities. This site provides information and links to: Workforce & Technology Center, a comprehensive rehabilitation facility in Baltimore, One-Stop Career Centers, Disability resources, and the Client Assistance Program.

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HHA Partnering Collaborative Evaluation: Practice/Research Brief

The VNSNY HHA Partnering Collaborative was designed to better integrate professional and paraprofessional services and employ established principles of quality improvement to achieve two main goals: improving the quality of work life of home care paraprofessionals, and increasing nurses' and aides' support for patients' improvement in key ADLs. This brief describes the key components of the model, implementation challenges and successes, and the results and implications from the evaluation.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Several States- The Cooperative Healthcare Network

This report describes the Cooperative Healthcare Network. This national group of affiliated long-term care providers and training organizations, uses a standardized recruitment approach to attract and retain high quality direct service professionals through a targeted outreach and rigorous application process.

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Texas Home of Your Own Coalition

This document describes the program established by the United Cerebral Palsy of Texas and its partners to increase housing and homeownership opportunities for people with disabilities in 1995. The report explains the Texas Home of Your Own Coalition and how it brings together people and organizations with a broad range of expertise and experience in disability advocacy and in fields associated with homeownership.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Ohio- Increasing Timely Access to Services

A home and community-based services program in Ohio is using electronic communication between case managers and providers to streamline identification of service providers for program participants. Program staff have found electronic communication greatly reduces the time required to find available providers when compared with telephone or fax communication. This report explores the interventions, implications, and impact of using electronic communication.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Minnesota- Quality Improvement Based on the Values of People Who Receive Supports

A pilot project in southeastern Minnesota has developed a quality assurance approach that focuses on matters important to people receiving supports and their families and provides a means of quality improvement, as opposed to licensing minimum standards. This report is based on an independent evaluation of the project, which used extensive interviews, focus groups and reviews of written materials and project files. The report provides intervention, implementation, and impact information.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Rhode Island- Case Management that Follows Offenders Out the Prison Gates

This report describes Rhode Island’s Project Bridge, which provides services for HIV-positive ex-offenders ranging from rides to medical appointments to assistance addressing legal, housing, substance abuse, and other problems. The report discusses the implementation and impact of the program.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Virginia- The Nursing Assistant Institute

This report provides an overview of the activities of the Nursing Assistant Institute. The Nursing Assistant Institute was created to develop and implement enduring solutions to the nursing assistant shortage in central Virginia. The report looks at the activities and impact of this program.

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