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West Virginia ADRC Marketing Materials

See a sample of a marketing brochure, describing what the Aging and Disability Resource Centers are, who they serve, and what services are offered. Also, included is the West Virginia logo, which has a four-point black and white star on a blue square background with the words "West Virginia Aging and Disability Resource Centers: Navigating Long-Term Care."

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South Carolina Training Presentations: Long-Term Care Planning for Seniors and Planning for Parents of Children with Disabilities

The SC ADRC project developed these two PowerPoint Presentations used to 1) educate and train adults in South Carolina about the importance of and strategies involved in planning for long-term care needs in the future and 2) train parents or relatives of children with disabilities about future planning for themselves and their children.

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A Blueprint for Action: Developing Livable Communities for All Ages

Each day, decisions affecting residents’ ability to age successfully in their communities are made by housing officials, transportation planners, planning and zoning specialists, parks and recreation officials, and economic development leaders. This guide provides local leaders with tools to build collaborations, a quick-reference kit for practitioners looking for tools, resources, best practices and it also includes a topic-specific list of studies, articles, and leading organizations.

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RSA: Promising Practices for Basic VR Agencies Helping Transition Age Youth

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) monitored 23 state vocational rehabilitation agencies in fiscal year 2007. These agencies, their stakeholders, and RSA identified promising practices that promote youth with disabilities transitioning from school to employment. Summaries of these practices are on the U.S. Department of Education’s website and include examples of leveraging resources, college and career preparation programs, and collaboration and partnerships among other practices.

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Transportation Disadvantaged: Progress in Implementing the New Freedom Program Has Been Limited, and Better Monitoring Procedures Would Help Ensure Program Funds Are Used as Intended

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has released detailed briefing slides from a presentation on the New Freedom Program. The GAO examined the extent to which the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has implemented the program and how FTA monitors program performance. The New Freedom Program is designed to support new public transportation services and alternatives beyond those required by the ADA. Review the progress, developing policies and procedures.

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The President\'s New Freedom Initiative: The 2007 Progress Report

The goal of NFI is to remove barriers to full integration for Americans with disabilities. This report highlights the activities in several areas: increasing access through technology, expanding educational opportunities for youth with disabilities, integrating individuals with disabilities into the workforce, and promoting full access to community life. The report describes initiatives, regulations, grant programs and other efforts to improve integration for youth and adults with disabilities.

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CMS State Medicaid Directors Letter: Optional Self-Direction Personal Assistance Services (PAS) Program

This letter is one of a series providing guidance on the implementation of section 6087 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, Public Law Number 109-171. Effective 1/1/07, Section 6087, (Cash & Counseling), adds subsection 1915(j) to the Social Security Act. States have the option to provide self-directed PAS to beneficiaries, without regard to the Medicaid requirements of comparability or statewideness. A State plan amendment (SPA) pre-print is enclosed to assist you in submitting an amendment.

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The A, B, C and D’s of Medicare

The manual is subtitled the Long-Term Care Options Counseling Tool Kit: A Professional’s Guide. It describe the four parts of Medicare Part A, B, C and D; describes who is eligible for Medicare Coverage; explains the roles of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration and private companies as they relate to Medicare; and explains the concepts of deductibles, coinsurance and premiums.

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FY2007 Real Choice Systems Change (RCSC) Grants Solicitation

This application offers a total of approximately $13 million in Real Choice Systems Change (RCSC) grants to qualifying States in two grant categories: State Profile Tool (SPT): Assessing a State's Long-Term Care System & Person-Centered Planning Implementation Grant. Persons with mental illnesses are noted as target populations for both grant categories. Applications are due by July 27, 2007.

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