State/Agency Information

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Family Caregiver Support: State Facts at a Glance

This report provides information about family caregivers of older Americans and the state-level programs serving them. The profiles provide information on state demographics and programs related to caregiving. They offer a snapshot of each state's caregiver support programs, services offered, funding sources, eligibility criteria, and options for consumer direction. Also, information about locating grandparent support programs is included along with highlights of recent state legislation.

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Michigan Freedom to Work Outreach Materials

See a variety of resources on assistance to people with disabilities in Michigan. Included are the Freedom to Work brochure, a Persons with Disabilities and Prescription Drug Coverage fact sheet, the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance brochure, Outreach Materials contact information, an on-line resources sheet, and a copy of the Michigan Freedom to Work for Individuals with Disabilities Law. A link to the Michigan Freedom to Work Website is provided.

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Medicare Part D Survey of MaineCare Workers with Disabilities Dual Eligibles: Experience Before and During Transition

In 2006, Maine’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant was awarded funds to provide outreach about Medicare’s new prescription drug coverage to MaineCare Workers with Disabilities Option dual eligible members. Methods for raising awareness and education about the transition to Medicare Part D were implemented. To identify the usefulness of outreach efforts and to learn about experiences with transitioning prescription drug coverage, a telephone survey was conducted. A report highlights the findings.

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Increasing Opportunities for Workers with Disabilities in Maine

The CHOICES CEO (Comprehensive Employment Opportunities) online newsletter, Working Together, focuses on Maine’s efforts to increase work opportunities for people with disabilities. Additionally, a brochure on MaineCare, a health insurance program for people with disabilities in Maine, includes information on benefits, qualifications, and local resources for the MaineCare option.

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Strategic Plan to Maximize Employment for People with Disabilities - Maine

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Labor worked with a coalition from public and private sectors to recommend steps to support people with disabilities who work, or who wish to work. The full and abridged reports identify information on resources, opportunities, and short- and long-term activities to increase the number of workers with disabilities. Additionally, key findings for the MaineCare Workers with Disabilities Option are available in the Reader’s Guide.

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Government and Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Workshop: Building Sustainable Fiscal Supports For Self-Directed Service Programs

The presentations from the November 2007 F/EA Workshop are now available. Topics included Promising Practices in Workers’ Compensation, CMS Policies, the Role of Reporting Agents in the Provision, plus Government and Vendor F/EA Operations, Design and Implementation Issues. Review the presentations by states, vendors and subject matter experts.

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MI-CEO Presentations on Employment of People with Disabilities in Massachusetts

A series of presentations, funded by the MI-CEO grant, discuss a variety of issues related to the employment of people with disabilities in Massachusetts. Topics covered include: rates of unemployment, barriers to employment, ways to overcome barriers, the relationship of programs and services (e.g., MassHealth and Medicaid Buy-In) to employment efforts, recommendations from agency leaders, and implications for MI-CEO.

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Employment, Disability and Medicaid-Buy-In Program Reports: Massachusetts

Developed by the MI–CEO Grant, a report on the employment of people with disabilities in Massachusetts intends to provide people with disabilities, advocates, policymakers, researchers and other interested parties an overview of the status and trends in employment of people with disabilities. Another report uses new longitudinal, person-level data to support the analysis of the Medicaid Buy-In (MBI) programs in Massachusetts.

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ABCs of ADRCs Replication Manual

South Carolina ADRC compiled this how-to manual for establishing an Aging and Disability Resource Center. Information included: Background of Aging and Disability Resource Centers, What Is An Aging and Disability Resource Center?, Establishing An Aging and Disability Resource Center, A Management Information System to Support the ADRC, Marketing the ADRC, Evaluation and Quality Assurance of the ADRC, Lessons Learned and Sustainability, and Resources.

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