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Residential Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities: Status and Trends through 2007

This comprehensive report provides data and macro level analyses on public and private residential services. The Executive Summary and Section 3 compare Medicaid utilization and expenditures for home and community-based services with services provided in institutional settings. Data are also presented in state-by-state profiles. Past editions of this annual report dating from 2000 are available at the website provided.

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Alzheimer’s Disease Demonstration Grants to States (ADDGS) Projects – AoA Demonstration Grants

AoA announced the availability of $10,900,000 for two ADDGS Program Announcements: "Innovation Grants to Better Serve People with ADRD" and "Evidence-Based Intervention Translation Grants to Serve People with People with ADRD and their Caregivers." The goal is demonstrate how the Aging Services Network can effectively implement evidence-based service interventions that help people with ADRD to remain at home and in the community. Closing dates for applications are August 11th, 2008.

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The Home Health Aide Partnering Collaborative: Final Evaluation Report & Implementation Manual

This quality improvement project was developed and implemented at the Visiting Nurse Service of New York. The primary purpose of the Collaborative was to enhance quality of work life for home health aides while improving outcomes for home health patients. The Final Report examines three areas: patient outcomes; patient service use; aide job perceptions & retention. The Implementation Manual emerged out of the lessons learned from an evaluation of the agency-wide spread of tools and strategies.

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Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities – Websites

These free websites connect employers and college students with disabilities. The first site features only federal sector employers, while the EARN site includes non-profit and other private sector employers. Students and recent graduates can participate by interviewing with accredited recruiters on campus in January or February. Visit the website for more information on how a school can participate.

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The Aging Services Network: Accomplishments and Challenges in Serving a Growing Elderly Population

This issue brief and background paper outline the ongoing history, services, and expenditures associated with the Older Americans Act (OAA). The report also summarizes services that are funded through the OAA and other federal and state funds and are provided by the state and local agencies that comprise the Aging Services Network. Finally, key challenges to meeting the needs of the changing population are identified, especially with regards to service improvement and funding.

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Assistive Technology in Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Waiver Programs

The authors identified trends regarding the use of 1915(c) waivers to buy assistive technology (AT). They examined participation and expenditures as well as differences in provision between elderly people and individuals with developmental disabilities. Results showed that the use of waivers to fund AT is growing, but more slowly than the overall waiver program. Also, there are significant differences in provision between people with disabilities and older adults as well as between states.

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Medicaid Targeted Case Management (TCM) Benefits

A reader can use this report to better understand proposed rule changes regarding which TCM services are eligible for federal financial participation. Various perspectives on the changes are presented. Several tables and graphs illustrate past and projected TCM expenditures. Prompted by the Americans with Disabilities Act, CMS issued the interim rule in order to limit the growth of TCM costs. Current proposed legislation would delay rule implementation until April 1, 2009.

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Quick Health Facts 2008: A Compilation of Selected State Data

Find within this resource state-by-state statistics on demographics, Medicaid, Medicare, and health insurance coverage. Of special interest are the data on Medicaid expenditures broken down by recipient type and service environment (HCBS vs. nursing home). Limited data are also given for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

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Family Care Navigator: State-by-State Help for Family Caregivers

This section of the Family Caregiver Alliance website assists people in locating government, nonprofit, and private long-term care support programs in their respective areas. It includes services for family caregivers, as well as resources for older or disabled adults living at home or in a residential facility. It also includes information on government health and disability programs, legal resources, disease-specific organizations and much more.

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The Three E's: Enrollment, Employment, and Earnings in the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2006

Find here a profile of enrollment, employment, and earnings in the 32 states with both a Medicaid Buy-In program and a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) in 2006. Specifically, the report identifies how employment and earnings are influenced by the characteristics of participants and state programs.

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