Nursing Facility Transition

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The Unequal Availability of Affordable Assisted Living Units in Florida’s Counties

The supply of affordable assisted living facilities is now insufficient to meet the demands of low-income, frail older persons. This gap between demand and supply is much more apparent in some locations than others. This article uses various measures of locational inequality to assess the extent to which counties in Florida have less than their fair share of ALFs, particularly in comparison to the locations of Medicaid nursing home beds.

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Housing Search Guide: Relocation from Nursing Facilities to the Community 2003

The “Housing Search Guide” was developed to assist professionals who have a role in “relocation” of people with disabilities from nursing facilities to community living arrangements with appropriate services and supports. The Guide was developed by staff of the Texas Independent Living Partnership, a program of ARCIL, Inc. funded by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services under the “Real Choice Systems Change” program.

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Rebalancing the Texas Long Term Care System: A Blueprint for Systems Change

The purpose of this project is to promote transition from an institution-based to a community-based system, in keeping with the goals of the federal New Freedom Initiative. This document summarized the policy recommendations of the Texas Independent Living Partnership over the three-year grant period, providing a resource to Texas state agencies, Centers for Independent Living, and other interested parties for ongoing systems advocacy and program development.

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TAE Issue Brief: ADRC Roles in Rebalancing Long Term Care Systems: Diversion Initiatives

States face significant obstacles in diverting individuals from institutional settings. Throughout the long-term care system, there exists an institutional bias for placing people in institutional settings over HCBS settings. Most states have some form of nursing home diversion program however, these programs face several challenges. This paper outlines many of the challenges, details strategies, and offers resources.

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Introduction to Communication Boards Designed for the Transition Process

This guide was created as a resource to help you learn more about communication boards and how/when to use them. The boards in this kit were designed for a specific communication interaction, an intake interview to consider transition of an individual out of a nursing home. This handout provides a brief summary of the communication boards provided and some background information for you as you use the boards.

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Handbook for Transition Navigators

This handbook, drafted by Jane Schiele and edited and revised by Laura Hershey (HCPF Systems Change Section), is designed to help other advocates or agencies to inform many more individuals about their right to live in the community, and to assist those who desire a transition back to their community. The report defines transition and offers the nuts and bolts of the program and lastly overs tips for moving day and beyond.

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After Leaving the Nursing Home Form

This survey was developed by the Colorado Facility Transition grant to evaluate the transition process of individuals across Colorado. Results from this survey were used to develop and implement changes in the transition process to better serve the population. The form is for people who have moved out of a nursing home in Colorado within the last two years. How you fill in this form is important because the answers help other people who will move from a nursing home soon.

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