Long-Term Care

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Using Research To Improve Practice and Inform Policy in Assisted Living: A Manual for Community-Based Participatory Research

A new first-of-its-kind e-manual has been published about improving practices and informing policies in assisted living communities through the use of a collaborative method of research – community-based participatory research (CBPR). The manual serves as a “how-to” resource for researchers, practitioners, advocates, policy makers, and community members and explains the principles and methods of community-based participatory research with actual examples from the medication management research.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51985

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Explaining Health Care Reform: What is Medicaid?

The brief explains how Medicaid works in today’s health care system and answers some of the key questions of how Medicaid fits into broader health reform efforts. Information is given in question and answers. The authors offer their opinion on how eligibility, benefits, finance, and other characteristics of the program should be changed.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51976

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“Money Follows the Person” and Long Term Care System Rebalancing Study – West Virginia

The study analyzes the long term care (LTC) system in WV and projects costs and savings associated with two models of efforts to transition people out of institutions. The system analysis looks at service delivery in both institutional and community-based settings, levels of access, financing, and quality. The appendices include examinations of care models and rebalancing efforts of other states.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51975

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Integrated Care Program Evaluation Report and Summary Sheets

Integrated Care Programs launched in five states in 2005 to coordinate acute and long-term services received by people enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid. States were granted $100,000 and technical assistance focused on performance measurement, rate setting and risk adjustment, and administrative simplification. Here, state programs are evaluated, federal progress in integrated care is surveyed, and future considerations are identified.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51974

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Veterans-Directed Home and Community Based Service Program Standards

The key details of the partnership between the Veterans Health Administration and the Administration on Aging, created to provide consumer-directed care to veterans, are given. The document summarizes the partnership structure, standards, and target population. It also discusses the referral, follow-up, and rate setting procedures for the defined set of services and goods to be offered.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51970

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Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities: Supporting and Encouraging Employment

This program (HWD) is Washington’s implementation of Medicaid Buy-In. The report evaluates HWD’s impact on employment and earnings, Medicaid coverage, and receipt of food stamps by comparing enrollees to traditional Medicaid participants. They found significant outcome improvements for the HWD group in several categories.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51968

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State-Funded Home and Community-Based Services for Older Adults

Nearly every state provides at least some funds for services for low-income older adults or people with disabilities who have too many assets to qualify for Medicaid. AARP reports on how much each state spends on both multiservice and single-service programs. It also compares funding sources, eligibility criteria, services, cost management strategies, consumer direction, and other characteristics.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51967

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ADAPT Advocacy Materials on Community Choice Act

ADAPT is a group of self-advocates working for civil rights for people with disabilities. Follow the link to see their arguments and evidence in support the Community Choice Act. The Act would establish a national program of community-based attendant services and supports, regardless of a person’s age or disability, and allow them to choose where they receive services. Materials include talking points, summaries, links to the bills, and updates on status and actions related to the Act.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51965


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