Community Inclusion

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Direct-Service Workforce: Needs, Challenges and Intervention Strategies

Revisit the material presented at the 2008 HCBS Conference. The DSW Intensive provided an overview of the direct service workforce challenges and the initiatives being researched and developed to address them. Intensive materials posted include a planning document, trends in policy and recommendations for data collection.

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Developing an MFP Housing Strategy – Presentation

First given during a teleconference for Money Follows the Person (MFP) grantees, this presentation reviews the current housing market and challenges to creating new affordable, accessible, and integrated housing units. Also provided is a case study from Maryland and the key areas of housing strategy: assessment of finance and policy; partnerships; and short- and long-term goals.

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National Center for Telehealth & Technology

The National Center for Telehealth and Technology (T2) researches, develops, evaluates, and deploys new and existing technologies for Psychological Health (PH) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) across the Department of Defense. T2 manages several programs to treat PH and TBI in service members and their families, including an extensive Telehealth program which provides PH services to patients in remote areas, who would otherwise not have access to care, as well as programs for deployed members.

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Making the Connection: Building Cross Agency Partnerships

The second in a series focused on affordable housing, this issue brief focuses on developing partnerships with state finance agencies and other stakeholders. It showcases successful strategies that have expanded integrated community living for workers with disabilities. While MIG grantees, who are the main audience of this brief, are unable to use grant funds to provide housing services, they can create linkages with other programs to support the individuals they serve.

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Preferences for Receipt of Care Among Community-Dwelling Adults

This journal article, which appeared in the Journal of Aging and Social Policy, outlines adult's (ages 40-70) preferences for long-term care, including place of care and the persons providing care. Most adults preferred care in home/community settings by kin or non-kin, with few deeming nursing homes acceptable.

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The Rehabilitation Act: Outcomes for Transition-Age Youth

The purpose of this study is to synthesize data on the impact that the Rehabilitation Act has had on the employment and post secondary education outcomes of eligible youth. It examines how well existing vocational rehabilitation (VR) structures deliver effective transition services. It also looks at the effectiveness of collaboration between VR, education, and other service systems. Finally, 11 recommendations for the U.S. Congress and various relevant federal and state agencies are given.

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Medicaid Coverage of Peer Support for People with Mental Illness: Available Research and State Examples

This report summarizes available research to date regarding the effectiveness of peer support and presents State examples of peer support within three different Medicaid authorities (State Plan, 1915(b), and 1915(c)). State Medicaid Agencies and their partner mental health agencies can find guidance here for efforts to incorporate peer support into Medicaid programs.

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Introduction to Olmstead Lawsuits and Olmstead Plans

Tables listing the formal strategies adopted by each state to achieve compliance with the Olmstead decision and community integration lawsuits related to the case are maintained here. In 1999, the Supreme Court found that people have the right to receive care in the most integrated, least restrictive setting appropriate. This report gives more details on that decision and summarizes the impact it has had on community integration in general.

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