Community Inclusion

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Think College – Website on Postsecondary Education for Youths with Intellectual Disabilities

Here is a collection of links and information for those interested in learning about efforts and resources aimed at improving opportunities for youths with intellectual disabilities to go to college. The site is divided into sections for students, family members, and professionals. Features include a searchable database of postsecondary supports, a discussion board and listserv, and a resource list. Download or subscribe to their Newsletter.

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National Disability Policy: A Progress Report

The National Council on Disability is required by law to annually submit a report on the status of the nation in achieving policies that guarantee equal opportunity for all individuals with disabilities and empower them to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living, and inclusion and integration into all aspects of society. The 2009 report focuses on current quality of life indicators and emerging trends that should be factored into future policies and programs.

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Transitioning Medicaid Enrollees from Institutions to the Community: Number of People Eligible and Number of Transitions Targeted Under MFP

Money Follows the Person (MFP) programs only target 0.9% of the people that could be eligible for transitioning out of institutions each year. However, there is a potential to increase rates to 15-40% annually depending on quality of program implementation, who is targeted, and how successful states are in overcoming barriers to transitioning high-needs people. The report looks at grantee states’ potential for accomplishing this rate increase.

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2008 Older Americans: Key indicators of Well-Being

Trends of population, economics, health status, health risks and behaviors and health care are drawn from several governmental statistics sources. Over 38 indicators are complemented by a one-time special feature on health literacy. This is the fourth chart book prepared since 2000. Detailed tables are available as excel spreadsheets.

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A Description and Analysis of the Federal and Selected State Policy Frameworks Regarding Order of Selection Under Title I of the Rehabilitation Act

When states are unable to serve all those eligible for vocational rehabilitation services, they are obligated to use an “order of selection” and first serve people with the most significant disabilities. The paper informs policymakers, agencies, providers, and consumers about the frameworks used by the federal government and selected states to deal with this issue.

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IndependentChoices Final Report: December 1998 – March 2008

Learn from 10 years of experience in administering the consumer-directed Cash & Counseling program in Arkansas. The report provides a candid history of the development, implementation, and lessons learned from the program. The author gives details on partnership development and use, changes in agency culture and operations, and data on outcomes, cost neutrality, and participant demographics. Also included are the 2003 and 2008 program budgets.

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Senate Committee on Aging Hearing on Health Care Reform in an Aging America

Program administrators, advocates, and researchers advise the Senate on ways to improve wellbeing and cost outcomes of long-term care by increasing access to HCBS. They speak on national demographics, successful HCBS programs of the past and present, state programs in Wisconsin and Florida, integrating acute and long-term care for dual eligibles, and program finance models. See “Video Contents Index” for time stamps and information on each testimony.

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Administration on Aging & Veterans Health Administration: Partnerships and Opportunities Meeting

The Veterans Health Administration plans to partner with the Aging Network in order to be serving over 109,000 veterans using HCBS by 2011. February 25 and 26, 2009, these organizations met in Boston to develop the partnership, work out next steps, and identify challenges. Presentations provide details on existing infrastructure, Nursing Home Diversion, financial management services, and existing research on HCBS and self-direction.

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A Revolution in the Employment Process of Individuals with Disabilities: Customized Employment as the Catalyst for System Change

The experience of the Cobb and Douglas Counties Community Services Boards in Georgia in shifting from a segregated traditional service system to an innovative system focusing on economic development for persons with disabilities illustrates some common aspects of system change. The 7-year organizational evolution is analyzed here. The main points that emerged are: staff development; partnerships and funding; sustainability; management and HR practices; and expanding coverage to new populations.

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