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Benefit Access and Enrollment Since the Onset of COVID-19

COVID-19 is a long-lasting and complex disaster situation involving a public health emergency and an economic crisis, with particularly acute impacts for older adults, people with disabilities, and others with certain health conditions. States are responding with changes in policies and procedures to ensure individuals have access to public benefit programs (e.g. Medicare Savings Programs, LIS/Extra Help, SNAP, and LIHEAP). ADvancing States has a new brief highlighting where states are with benefit access and enrollment since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Results in the brief comes from the 2021 ADvancing States Membership Survey: COVID-19 Benefits Access and Enrollment, a follow-up to the 2020 survey.

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Pandemic-Related Hunger Among Older Adults Is Here to Stay

NCOA and the Leading Age LTSS Center at UMass Boston released two issue briefs exploring the effects of pandemic-related food insecurity among older adults. The findings highlight the positive impact of SNAP in reducing food insecurity and call on the need for SNAP benefits provided by the American Rescue Plan to be permanent and consider increased food costs moving forward.

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Nutrition Initiatives During COVID-19: Findings from State Aging and Disability Agencies

During the COVID-19 pandemic, health risks and financial burdens for certain at-risk populations can make access to food challenging. This issue brief explores the adjustments that states have made to nutrition programs. The brief highlights examples of opportunities available and changes that states have made to ensure older adults and persons with disabilities have access to food during the pandemic. Data and findings are drawn from the ADvancing States 2020 COVID-19 Membership Survey.

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Process and Application Changes to Benefit Enrollment Systems During COVID-19: Findings from State Aging and Disability Agencies

This issue brief explores adjustments that states have made to processing eligibility and enrollment for benefits access, including changes to application and supporting document requirements. Examples of opportunities and adjustments that states have made to ensure older adults and persons with disabilities have access to critical benefit programs during the pandemic are highlighted. Data and findings are drawn from the ADvancing States 2020 COVID-19 Membership Survey.

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Benefits Access and Enrollment During COVID-19: Findings from State Aging and Disability Agencies

This report provides a summary of changes that states have made to their systems for connecting individuals to benefits and explores state agency changes, challenges, and opportunities related to benefits access and enrollment during the COVID-19 crisis. Data and findings are drawn from the ADvancing States 2020 COVID-19 Membership Survey.

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Information and Referral/Assistance’s (I&R/A) Role in Connecting Clients to Benefits

This brief is a summary of survey results related to aging and disability agencies and I&R/A specialists' role in connecting individuals with public benefits. It provides an opportunity to learn about benefits screening, assistance, and outreach within aging and disability networks.

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Promising Practice Profiles

These profiles include promising practices that agencies use to conduct education and outreach to inform consumers about benefits, and to help aging and disability professionals connect clients to benefits, such as the Medicare low-income subsidies, SNAP, and LIHEAP. The tip sheets include practices about: engaging consumers through fun and interactive games; a system for providing comprehensive eligibility information; and tools to simplify benefits information for staff.

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Senior Food-Assistance, Related Programming, and Seniors' Experiences Across the Feeding America Network

This study highlights the issues older adults face in maintaining their health and food security status, including chronic disease, social isolation, mobility, transportation, and limited income and affordability. This study engaged almost 150 older adults and 90 program managers and community agencies across 9 states. It examined 17 different program delivery models, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Commodity Food Supplemental Program (CSFP).

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The Critical Programs that Keep Millions of Older Adults Out of Poverty

This fact sheet and issue brief explore how federal programs support older Americans. The focus is on four main areas, including health programs, economic security, housing and food, and legal assistance. These publications help explain how various federal programs can ideally work together to allow older Americans to meet their basic needs and maintain a high quality of life.

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