2016 HCBS Conference Materials

Monday, August 29, 2016

• Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Intensive
 Information & Referral Summit 
• Everything You Wanted to Know About Medicaid but were Afraid to Ask Intensive
• CMS HCBS Regulation Intensive 
• Grantee Meeting: MFP Rebalancing Demonstration- Building Partnerships and Innovation for Community Living
• Grantee Meeting: TEFT Grant Demonstration- Innovations in Quality Measurement and Health Information Technology

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

• CMS Track: Medicaid 101: Overview of the Program 

ACL Track: Sustaining ADRC/NWD Systems by Leveraging Medicaid Administrative Claiming and the Veterans Choice Act Funding for NWD System Functions

• Person Centered Planning: Meeting the CMS Rule 

• Innovative Approaches for Measuring Outcomes for HCBS Participants

• Social Security and HCBS: Critical Services and Supports for Seniors and People with Disabilities

• Evolution of Assisted Living in an HCBS Framework

• Stop Counting, Start Measuring: Reporting on the Impact & Value of Services Provided to Older Coloradans

• Caregivers of Persons with Severe Mental Illness: Results of a National Study 

• Integrated Care: The Key to Holistic Treatment and Recovery for Individuals with Mental Illness

• Innovation Session: Investing in Innovation—Health: ELT

1:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

• CMS Track: Medicaid 201: Home and Community Based Services within Medicaid

• ACL Track: AT Reutilization Partnerships with State Medicaid Programs

• Innovation Session: First Data’s AuthentiCare Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)—First Data 

• Implementing New Management Information Systems to Support LTSS: Lessons for States Designing New or Enhancing Existing Systems

• Raising the Overtime Threshold for Exempt Employees: The Impact on Disability and Aging Services

• Home and Community Based Services Quality: Addressing Performance Measure Gaps in HCBS to Support Community Living Quality 

• The Last Frontier: Designing and Implementing MLTSS Programs for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 

• Providing Culturally Competent Services for Hard-to-Reach AAPI Older Adult Consumers 

• Engaging and Caring for Caregivers

• Money Follows the (Whole) Person: Innovation in the Texas Behavioral Health Pilot

• Long-Term Services and Supports Redesign: Improving the Quality of Services and Health Outcomes in Nebraska 

2:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

• CMS Track: CMS HCBS Final Rule: Current Issues and Future Directions 

• ACL Track: ACL, Adult Protective Services, and the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System

• Thinking Differently About the Mental Health and Wellness of People with I/DD 

• Rethinking the Role of the Worker in HCBS: Lessons from a Model that Engages the Home Care Aide and Technology in Care Management and Coordination 

• Lessons Learned in Waiver Management Systems Deployments

• A Community Guide to Oral Health for Older Adults 

• Housing and the Relationship with Healthcare

• How Telehealth Can Be A Tool For Supporting People Living in the Community

• End-of-Life Planning and Communication: Your Right to Self-Determination 

• The Changing Legal Landscape for Serving LGBT Older Adults

• Applying Integrated Data Analytics to Improve LTSS: Experience from the Massachusetts LTSS Policy Lab

4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

• CMS Track: Rate Methodology in a Fee for Service HCBS Structure

• ACL Track: Closing the Gap: Defining Quality for LTSS/HCBS 

• Navigating FMS and Self-Direction: From Procurement to Implementation and Day-to-Day Operations

• State Policy Issues in Residential Care/Assisted Living Settings for Older People and Working Age Persons with Physical Disabilities 

• Building “Systems of Support” for People with I/DD: Innovations in Behavioral Crisis Prevention, Intervention, and Stabilization

• Oral Health for Older Adults and People with Disabilities: Recent Policy Developments and State Survey Results 

• From Fragmentation to Integration: Bringing Medical Care and HCBS Together

• What’s in a Provider Fee: Dissecting the Components and Consideration in HCBS FFS Provider Fee Development

• Employment in a Medicaid Environment: State Agencies Strategic Investment in System Improvements to Increase Individual Employment Outcomes

• ADRC, MFP, BIP, and 211…Building Blocks for NWD

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.

• CMS Track: The Impact of Integrated Models for Medicaid-Medicare Eligible Individuals

•  ACL Track: Ombudsman Programs in a Changing Landscape

• Designing New Care Models and Payment Approaches for Persons with Disabilities

• Innovation Session: Automated Verification Systems: Automating the Asset Test for Long-Term Services and Supports—MAXIMUS 

• Lessons Learned from MLTSS Implementation in Florida: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going? 

• Tracking the Trends for Incorporating Supported Decision-Making Practices

• Imposter Scams and Identity Theft: Trends, Tips, and Tools 

• Aging in Place with ID/DD: How HCBS Must Evolve to Support Individuals with ID/DD to Remain Living in the Community 

• Refining HCBS Reimbursement Processes: Using Actual Cost of Delivering Services as a Basis for Setting Medicaid Community Services Rates in Alaska

• Long-Term Support Services Medical Determination Automated Workflow

• “Keep My Dog” and Other Seemingly Simple Member Mandates

10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

• CMS Track with ACL: Realizing the Vision of Optimal Community Inclusion: Additional Strategies for States in Implementing the HCBS Settings Rule with Fidelity 

• ACL Track: Using HITECH Administrative Matching Funds to Support Adoption of Electronic Health Records by Non-Clinical Medicaid Providers
• Living in the Community: Requirements for Accessible Public Transportation 

• Massachusetts Food and Nutrition Program 

• Confirming Network Adequacy for Managed Long-Term Services and Supports
• Expanding the PACE Program: Challenges and Opportunities

• Implementing the New FLSA Rule for Homecare Providers in California 

• Innovation in MLTSS Care Coordination: In-Home Monitoring

• No Place Like Home: What to Do When Wishes and Ruby Slippers Need to be Replaced with Access and Supports

• Atlas of Caregiving and FCA Care Compass: Innovative Directions in Data and Service Delivery

• Establishing Personal Support Budgets for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Methods and State Experiences 

2:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 
• CMS Track: Medicaid Managed Care Final Rule—Managed Long-Term Services and Supports

• ACL Track: Evaluations of Older Americans Act Programs: Results from the Nutrition, Caregiver, and Tribal Grants Programs

• NCI-AD: Measuring Quality in LTSS for Seniors and Adults with Physical Disabilities
• Transitioning to Electronic Visit Verification—Two State Perspectives: Missouri and Tennessee

• Informing Health Plans and Health Care Decision-Making: The Role of Advocates and Advisory Boards

• Functional Assessment Tools for Medicaid LTSS Eligibility Determination and Care Planning 

• Innovation Session: Adapting Home Medical Supply for Value-Based Care—Medtronic

• State Medicaid Health IT Toolkits for SPA, Waivers, and Demonstration: Advancing HIT, HIE, and Interoperability through Medicaid Program Design 

• Moving the Outcomes Needle: Integrating the Dually Eligible in a Post Demonstration State (D-SNPs, MIPAA, ACO Options, Qualified Entity) 

 Innovative Community Based Initiatives and Resources for Oral Health 

4:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. 
• CMS Track: Fiscal Integrity Controls to Address Fraud, Waste, and Abuse of Personal Care and Other Services 

• ACL Track: So You Think You Know the OAA Nutrition Program’s Requirements?
• Successes and Challenges of Elder Financial Protection Networks 

• Using Technology to Bridge the Gap between Services and the Consumers Who Need Them

• Collaborating with Disability Rights Organizations on HCBS Transition Planning and Implementation

• Partnering with Public Housing Agencies 

• ACL: Dementia Friendly Communities: Building and Expanding Dementia Capability through Identification of and Engagement with New Partners

• To Infinity and Beyond: Transforming Statewide Service Delivery Systems

• National and State Efforts to Reduce Falls Among Older Adults and People with Disabilities 

• The HCBS Rule: What It Means for Consumers in Assisted Living and At Home 

• Opiate Addiction Treatment: Moving to a Community-Based Chronic Disease Model 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

• CMS Track: Expanded Support for Medicaid Health Information Exchanges 

• ACL Track: Inclusive Transportation Planning: Involving Older Adults and People with Disabilities in Leading Transportation Planning

• CMS Track: The Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program: Supporting Medicaid Delivery System Reforms 

• Supportive Housing Options: Isolating or Innovative? Self-Advocates Discuss Life in Intentional Communities 

• Partnership in an LTSS Technology Ecosystem: Colorado Medicaid’s Health Information Office Working with the Colorado Office of Community Living 

• Innovation Session: Leveraging Aging and Social Services to Stabilize Tenancy in Affordable Housing—Navigant

Using Integrated Health Intelligence Technology to Improve Participant Outcomes and Lower Costs 

•Vital VA Partnerships: Utah ADRC’s Improve Service to Veteran Clients 

Doctor’s Orders: The Health and Well-Being Benefits of Volunteering as We Age 

New Tools for Coordinating Health Care and Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS): Personal Health Records and Electronic LTSS Plans 

10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

• ACL Track: The Future of ACL/AoA Program Data: Discussion of Data Elements, Submission Software and Analysis Tools 

• Project SEARCH and Managed Care in Kansas 

• LTSS Integration: A Framework for Improving Quality and Person Centeredness 

• Leveraging Lifespan Respite to Build and Sustain Respite Services for Family Caregivers 

• Successful Employment: Partnering with the Workforce System to Achieve Employment Outcomes

• Using Data from National Core Indicators to Inform Policy: Three Topic Areas

• Finding Evidence that Wisconsin ADRCs Delay Medicaid Long-Term Care Entry: An Initial Evaluation, Data System Redesign, and Future Challenges

• Lessons Learned from the Balancing Incentives Program 

• Innovation Session: Mobile Technology for Home and Community Care—Innovation Available Today to Increase Accountability, Reduce Fraud, Lower Costs, Improve Health Outcomes, and Connect with Consumers and Their Families—Celltrak 

11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

• CMS Track: Health/Welfare Assurance in Home and Community Based Waivers 

• ACL Track: The Older Americans Act Title IIID and the Evidence-Based Program Requirement 

• Transforming State Service Systems in Oregon and Washington through the Community First Choice Option 

 Expanding Access and Mobility of Aging Community and Persons with Disabilities: Strategies and Innovations

• The Senior Community Service Employment Program: Impact of DOL’s 2016 National Grant Competition and OAA Title V Reauthorization on States 

• Developing a Systemic Approach to Person Centered Community Engagement & Continuous Quality Improvement 

• Roadmap to Community Integrated Health Care

• Obtaining and Implementing Medicaid Administrative Federal Financial Participation for ADRCs in Hawaii and Maryland 

• Bridging the Gap: Connecting Caregivers and Individuals with Disabilities to Financial Supports 

Plenary Sessions 
• Administration for Community Living Plenary 
• Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Plenary
• Megan Bomgaars Plenary 
• Ari Ne'eman Technology and Innovation Plenary 
• Robert Choi Technology and Innovation Plenary