
Short Name: 

Understanding and Responding to the Cultural and Linguistic Differences in the Conduct of Disability Research

Event Description: 

The Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) Lunch & Learn webinar series discusses topics related to disability and rehabilitation to highlight the work of the ICDR and member agencies and organizations. During this webinar, Tawara D. Goode, Director of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Georgetown University Center for Child & Human Development, will present on understanding and responding to cultural and linguistic difference while conducting disability research.

Taking Public Health Action for Family Caregivers

Event Description: 

The National Alliance for Caregiving and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors will host a webinar, Taking Public Health Action for Family Caregivers, to share insights into caregiving issues relevant to public health and outline actions public health professionals can take to protect the health of family caregivers. This webinar will also act as a release for their new report, Chronic Disease Family Caregiving Through a Public Health Lens: The Framework for Family Caregiving and Public Health.

Ending Homelessness - Developing Partnerships Between HUD Continuums of Care and Disability, Aging, and Health Services Providers

Event Description: 

The Continuum of Care (CoC) program within HUD brings together community partners that offer a variety of services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Partners of the program include public housing and housing services agencies, health care organizations, providers of mental health services, and community-based organizations that provide supportive services, such as the aging and disability networks. This webinar will orient participants to CoC structures and cross-sector partnerships that address the needs of people experiencing homelessness.

Lessons Learned: State Actions and Advocacy to Address Malnutrition

Event Description: 
Join NANASP for a webinar to discuss state policy research and actions towards addressing older adult malnutrition. Dr. Matthew Smith from Texas will discuss efforts to identify and address malnutrition in high-risk populations and Brittany Woodbury will discuss Utah's efforts to address malnutrition.
This webinar will be held on Monday, August 15, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. ET.

Building Partnerships to Scale Effective Dementia Care Supports

Event Description: 
Join NADRC for a webinar to discuss Indiana University's (IU) funding under ACL's Alzheimer’s Dementia Programs Initiative to implement the Caregiver Stress Prevention Bundle (CSPB) for people living with dementia and their informal caregivers. The CSPB is delivered through five area agencies on aging (AAA) by trained care coaches who are community health workers employed by the AAAs and supported by IU dementia care experts. Presenters will share how the university partnered with AAAs to implement the dementia care program and results-to-date.

Working Together to Empower Community Inclusion with Health/Housing/Independent-Living Partnerships

Event Description: 
This Housing and Services Resource Center webinar will reveal effective strategies for supporting people with disabilities as they find homes in the community, get connected with services, and integrate into community life. Participants will be able to ask questions to help them form similar community-driven partnerships.

LinkedIn Live "CMS Released Medicaid’s First HCBS Quality Measure Set: What Happens Now?"

Event Description: 
CMS recently released the first ever set of Medicaid home and community based services (HCBS) quality measures. The growth and innovation in HCBS programs is fueling greater demand for tools and strategies to measure quality. During this webinar experts and guest speakers will discuss their experiences and perspectives on the new Medicaid HCBS core measure set, including:


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