
Short Name: 

Sharing the Care for Families Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Dementias: Alabama’s PANDA Project

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NADRC is hosting a webinar on the Alabama PANDA project. PANDA provides supportive services, including person-centered care plans, education, and training for people living with dementia, aging adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their caregivers. This webinar will discuss the unique program and cover Alabama area agencies on aging efforts to ensure consistency in dementia services provided throughout the state and keep their local and state leaders informed of their work as part of their sustainability planning.

Advancing Trauma- and Resilience-Informed Health Care Systems: Early Lessons from Denver Health

Event Description: 

This webinar will discuss how Denver Health, a large health system in Colorado, is implementing a trauma- and resilience-informed approach into organization-wide policy and practice, while drawing attention to systemic racism and biases. Panelists will discuss their efforts, including building staff capacity, promoting organizational culture change, and gaining leadership buy in.


Braiding Resources to Collaboratively Develop and Strengthen Housing + Services Partnerships

Event Description: 

This webinar is intended for those who are looking to build dynamic partnerships that combine rental assistance and access to supportive services for people with disabilities, older adults, and people at risk of or experiencing homelessness? This webinar will feature examples of strong collaborations from federal, state, and local levels. Presenters will explore opportunities to braid funding and resources as well as approaches to developing effective partnerships.

Promising Practices Spotlight: Partering to Provide Direct-Client Services

Event Description: 

Join this webinar for a panel discussion featuring APS programs using ACL formula grant funding to partner with providers for a “warm client hand-off” and provision of wraparound services/direct-client services. Goals of partnerships include identifying and overcoming resource and service gaps, increased communication among agencies, and improved client and community outcomes.


Advancing Equity in Legal Services: Lessons Learned from the 2022 Cohort

Event Description: 

NCLER and Justice in Aging developed a cohort of legal services programs providing capacity building support and tools to advance equity for older adults with a focus on community partnerships. The programs accessed an Equity Tool that provides a framework for analyzing projects for equitable impact. During this webinar participants will hear from programs that have developed an equity initiative to improve their services for older adults facing structural discrimination. Participating programs include:

Reframing Elder Abuse in Long-Term Care

Event Description: 

National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) is working on improving the national response to elder abuse and has collaborated with the FrameWorks Institute on reframing this social justice issue. During this webinar, Julie Schoen, Director of the Elder Abuse Guide for Law Enforcement (EAGLE), will discuss how the NCEA has begun to reframe materials dealing with elder abuse in long-term care facilities. She will also share how other organizations can apply these techniques to their public-facing materials.

Social Engagement and Housing: Effective Programs, Activities and Partnerships

Event Description: 

This webinar will discuss creative initiatives and partnerships to address social isolation among older adults in housing communities. The American Association of Service Coordinators will talk about how Aging Network organizations can partner with housing communities to promote social engagement. Attendees will hear from Aging Ahead and PEP Housing on programs and activities that promote social connections among older adults. All speakers will provide tips for organizations interested in developing programs and activities to support these communities.

LTSS Webinar - Dementia Initiatives and Resources from the International Association for Indigenous Aging

Event Description: 

This session will discuss the challenges of caregiving in Indian Country, showcase efforts of the International Association for Indigenous Aging (IA2) in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, and feature tribal aging resources from Association for Indigenous Aging.



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