
Short Name: 

The Future of SDOH: How Community Care Hubs Can Help Transform Social Care

Event Description: 

Join WellSky for a webinar addressing the future of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and how Community Care Hubs (CCHs) across the country are forming to centralize the delivery of social care. The webinar will examine new Medicaid waivers and contract requirements, encourage the creations of CCHs, review best practices for collaboration between managed care organizations, community based organizations and CCHs and more. 

The webinar will take place Wednesday, March 22, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. 

Person-Centered Approaches to Supporting Dignity of Risk for People with Disabilities

Event Description: 

Join NCAPPS for a webinar exploring the dignity of risk. Dignity of risk is the idea that taking reasonable risks is essential to supporting autonomy for people with disabilities, balancing the need for autonomy while keeping a person's health and welfare in mind. Participants will hear from providers, national experts, people with lived experience, and state representatives as they examine best practices for addressing and assessing risk through a person-centered lens. 


Person- Centered Methods for Expanding Self- Determination in Provider Directed Services

Event Description: 

Join NCAPPS for a webinar all about the importance of self determination in Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). The webinar will explore strategies and resources to assist HCBS providers on how to expand their self-determination processes and deep dive into the NCAPPS Human Services Provider Agency Toolkit for Self-Determination. 


  • Kenny Bedtka 

  • Sahra Hussein 

  • Jeff Keilson 

Commit to Connect Initiative: Informational Webinar for Applicants

Event Description: 

Commit to Connect, an ACL initiative, aims to increase the availability of evidence-based programs and services addressing social isolation and loneliness by better understanding the current impact programs and interventions have on social connection. Their new Community of Practice (COP) will allow multiple networks and organizations to partner with Commit to Connect and implement the Upstream Social Interaction Risk Screener (U-SIRS) tool. 

Successful Public Health Approaches in Dementia Caregiving

Event Description: 

Join the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the first round table in a series that look at innovative approaches to statewide dementia care. This webinar will feature best practices and implementation tips from Rhode Island. The series of roundtables will give attendees an opportunity to learn from other states on their dementia care strategies, caregiver supports, implementation strategies, and offer an opportunity to connect with and learn from colleagues across the country doing similar work. 

CMS Health Equity Conference Call for Proposals Informational Webinar

Event Description: 

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will be hosting their inaugural Health Equity Summit on June 7-8, 2023 and is now accepting proposals. Presentations should focus around the core principles for reducing health disparities found in the CMS Framework for Health Equity for 2022-2023.

A webinar on the proposal submission process will be held on Thursday, March 16, 2023 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. ET. 

Proposals are due on Friday, April 14, 2023. 

Social Engagement Virtual Summit

Event Description: 

Starting Tuesday, May 9, 2023 join engAGED and Commit to Connect for the Social Engagement virtual summit. The summit will run from Tuesday, May 9 to Wednesday, May 10 bringing together national, state, and local leaders for sessions highlighting innovative programs, new research, and tools and resources for the aging and disability network. Sessions will dive deep into social engagement with rural communities, supporting social connectedness, the needs of unpaid caregivers, and share innovative solutions and spur ideas for your community. 


The Surprising Successes: How Self- Direction Serves People Frequently Sidelined as "Too Challenging to Self-Direct"

Event Description: 

Join Applied Self Direction for the next webinar in their “Self Direction From Your Desk” series. Frequently those with dual diagnoses, complex behavioral challenges, or significant intellectual disability are told that their cases are too complex to self direct. In this webinar participants will hear from the parents of three clients about the immense benefits and flexibilities that self-direction has in the lives of those choosing to self direct. 


Beyond the Basics; Advancing High Quality Self-Direction in a Managed Care Context

Event Description: 

Join Applied Self Direction for the next webinar in their “Self Direction From Your Desk” series. In the session Beyond the Basics: Advancing High Quality Self-Direction in a Managed Care Context attendees will hear from leaders in the managed care world to discuss best practices and new methods of improving self direction in a managed care context. The webinar will dive deep into, financial management systems, enrollment patterns, and effective approaches for partnerships between states, MCOs, and self directing clients. 



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