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The ABCs of Benefits Appeals

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The National Council on Aging’s (NCOA) Center for Benefits Access is hosting a webinar on how benefits counselors can assist low-income Medicare beneficiaries when their applications are rejected, or a client receives a lesser/partial benefit than expected. This webinar will walk through the application process, the basics of eligibility, and challenging a determination.

Webinar: New CMS Guidance on EVV Implementation

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Applied Self Direction is excited to share news from CMS on the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) portion of the Cures Act. They will hold a webinar on Thursday, January 18, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET to share what they know so far. This webinar is open to the public. You do not need to register for the webinar and there is no cost to attend, but attendance is limited to the first 500 participants. 

International Perspectives on Supporting People with Dementia and Caregivers

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The Administration for Community Living’s (ACL) National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center in partnership with the American Society on Aging is presenting a webinar on the results from a survey on stigma given to people with dementia and caregivers from 54 countries. The presenters will also discuss Scotland’s 10-year journey to improve dementia care and how Focus on Dementia is supporting the implementation of the dementia strategy in practice.

Benefits Counseling as a Tool to Improve Employment Outcomes for Youth Who Receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

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Mathematica is hosting a webinar about how benefits counseling, when paired with other interventions, can improve employment outcomes for young people with disabilities. Many youth receiving SSI benefits fall behind their peers when it comes to achieving economic success and independence as adults, which raises questions about the effectiveness of existing supports. Given that there has been major growth in the number of youth receiving SSI benefits in the past 10 years, this is an issue of particular policy interest. This is Part 1 in a five-part webinar series.

Making It Real: Using the Revised Federal Nursing Home Regulations in Your Advocacy

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This webinar will highlight how to use the revised federal nursing home regulations and interpretive guidance to address common problems and promote quality person-centered care and residents’ rights. Topics to be discussed include: admission; care planning, including base line care plans; visitation; rehab services; transfer/discharge; return to the facility; and facility assessment. Presenters include Eric Carlson, Justice in Aging; Toby Edelman, Center for Medicare Advocacy; and Robyn Grant, Consumer Voice.

Age-Friendly Communities and Rural America: The Transportation Challenge

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Approximately 10 million people age 65 and older lives in rural America, and one out of four lives in a small town or other rural areas. Transportation options in rural areas tend to be more limited. Although age-friendly initiatives started in larger cities, the movement is now spreading to rural communities. Grantmakers in Aging is hosting a webinar to discuss how the age-friendly movement is changing in response to the specific dynamics and character of rural communities.

Financial Capability of Adults with Disabilities

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Results from the recent FINRA Investor Education Foundation National Financial Capability Study tells us that people with disabilities are having more difficulty than others covering expenses, paying bills, saving, coming up with funds in an emergency, planning ahead and effectively managing products. This webinar will discuss the causes and impacts of these challenges.

Targeting OAA Legal Services to Those in Greatest Need Without Means Testing

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The National Center on Law and Elder Rights (NCLER) is hosting a webinar to discuss how Congress has directed that Older Americans Act (OAA) resources be targeted to those with the greatest social or economic need. However, Congress was clear that means testing is prohibited, raising a dilemma of how to target effectively without means testing. This webinar will discuss OAA targeting requirements and steps that states, Legal Assistance Developers (LADs), Area Agencies on Aging, legal providers and others can take jointly to achieve targeting.

Value-Based Payment for HCBS Technical Support Information Session

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The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP)’s Community-Integration through Long-Term Service and Supports (CI-LTSS) Program Area is launching an 11-month long technical support opportunity for up to 10 states seeking to design Value-Based Payment (VBP) strategies for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).  This is an information session to learn more about this opportunity.

The Flourish Care Model: Utilizing the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) to Implement a Shared-Care Approach to Health Care for Older Adults

Event Description: 

The Aging and Disability Business Institute is hosting a webinar on the Flourish Care model. The Flourish Care model developed partnerships between primary care practices, local area agencies on aging and community coalitions to promote effective care coordination and quality care for older adults in rural areas. This is a shared-care approach to healthcare and functions from the belief that health is more than just visiting a primary care physician and taking medications.


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