
Short Name: 

Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map: State and Local Public Health Partnerships to Address Dementia

Event Description: 

The 2018-2023 Road Map is informed by four Essential Services of Public Health: assure a competent workforce, monitor and evaluate, develop policies and mobilize partnerships, and educate and empower the nation. This webinar will cover the role of public health in promoting brain health, review the constituent groups targeted in CDC’s Healthy Brain Initiative

Quality Management: How Georgia Adapts to a Growing Senior Population

Event Description: 

In the year 2000, Georgia’s Division of Aging Services (DAS) faced a daunting challenge: the state's senior population was expected to triple in size by 2050. In response, the state launched an ambitious quality program, based on the Baldrige Excellence Framework. Today this highly successful initiative produces continuous process improvement and has laid the foundation for a secure, healthy future. This free webinar will examine the essentials to effective quality management that the state of Georgia has learned over nearly two decades.

After Receiving Final Statewide Transition Plan Approval: Tackling the Ongoing Systems-Change Work that Remains

Event Description: 

ACL is hosting a three-part technical assistance webinar series highlighting innovative strategies and approaches that states are taking to effectively implement the federal settings criteria for home and community-based services (HCBS). The third and final webinar in this series will review creative examples of state policy reforms, reimbursement/rate restructuring, and meaningful stakeholder engagement activities to facilitate

Findings and Conclusions from the Outcome Evaluation of the National Family Caregiver Support Program

Event Description: 
During this webinar, ACL will present a preview of the results and conclusions from the Outcomes Evaluation of the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). This includes a description of NFCSP the demographic and caregiving characteristics of participants, as well as the impact of the program on key caregiving outcomes such as burden and caregiving confidence.


Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care

Event Description: 
CMS recently issued proposed changes to the Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care final rule which was published in 2016. Many of the significant changes address actuarial soundness requirements, and directed payments. In addition, the proposed rule reduces the specific network adequacy standards states have to include in managed care contracts as well as beneficiary information included in provider directories. CMS is holding a webinar to provide an overview of the regulatory revisions in the proposed rule.


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