
Short Name: 

Legal Assistance and the Aging Services Network: Strengthening Partnerships and Communication

Event Description: 

NCLER is hosting a webinar presenting strategies for legal services organizations to connect and build relationships with their local aging and disability networks with highlights from collaborative projects in North Dakota. Presenters will also give an overview of the programs and structure of the Older Americans Act. Presenters include Sarah Galvan of Justice in Aging, Michelle Gayette of the North Dakota Aging Services Division, and Richard LeMay of Legal Services of North Dakota.

The Role of Spirituality in Human Services

Event Description: 

Wellsky is hosting a webinar discussing research on the significance of spiritual well-being. Matt Estrade, MA, MBA will also provide strategies organizations can adopt to support clients' spiritual needs while receiving services. Participants can expect to learn:

  • Respecting the right to self- determination
  • Supporting (but not shaping) a client's beliefs 
  • Understanding the clinical research behind spiritual well-being

Overview of ACL’s Protection and Advocacy Systems

Event Description: 

The Adult Protective Services Technical Assistant Resource Center (APS TARC) is hosting a webinar on ACL's protection and advocacy systems. Jennifer Johnson and Ophelia McLain of the Office of Program Support, Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities within the Administration on Disabilities in ACL will provide an overview the four protection and advocacy systems funded by ACL: developmental disabilities, assistive technology, traumatic brain injury, and voting. Protection and advocacy programs are designed to advocate for people with disabilities.

Legal Basics: Elder Subsidized Housing

Event Description: 

Finding affordable rental housing for low-income older adults continues to be a rising problem. There are federally-funded subsidy programs older adults can enroll in to help pay for housing. Lisa Sitkin of the National Housing Law Project will provide information on challenges older adults face in securing rental housing and provide an overview of available subsidy programs.

Changes to the 2016 Federal Nursing Home Regulations: What's Proposed, What's Final, & What to Do About It

Event Description: 

The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care is hosting a webinar providing further detail on CMS' purposed changes to the 2016 nursing home regulations. Additionally, the webinar panel will discuss the final rule on nursing home arbitration issued by CMS. Panelist for this webinar include Eric Carlson of Justice in Aging, Toby Edelman of the Center for Medicare Advocacy, Robyn Grant of Consumer Voice, and Lori Smetanka of Consumer Voice.

Starting a Shelter; Building a Movement: The Critical Role of Shelter in the Coordinated Community Response to Elder Abuse

Event Description: 

The National Center on Elder Abuse is hosting a webinar that will discuss the unique role of shelter in a coordination community response to elder abuse, describe the evolution and growth of models utilized by the webinar panel, and provide practical tools for bringing shelter to your community.

Why Being Brain Injury Informed is a Critical Component of Person-Centered Thinking, Planning, and Practice

Event Description: 

The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) is hosting a webinar on traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of death and disability of all ages, and it is commonly found to be a co-occurring condition among individuals living with mental health challenges, substance use related disorders, and other disabling conditions.

Evidence for the Impact of Money Follows the Person

Event Description: 

The Community Living Policy Center within the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy at Brandeis University is hosting a webinar focused on Money Follows the Person (MFP). This webinar will highlight new research on the impact of MFP and provide an update on efforts to extend the program. It will also examine the benefits of MFP programs and their impact on in

Legal Assistance and the Aging Services Network: Strengthening Partnerships and Communication

Event Description: 
Older adults often require both legal and non-legal interventions to resolve issues they face. This webinar will focus on the importance of collaboration between legal assistance providers and the aging services network. Presenters will provide an overview of Older Americans Act programs and structure; highlight promising practices for connecting legal services with the aging and disability network; and discuss specific collaborative projects in North Dakota.


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