In-person Meeting

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Disability Rights Leadership Institute on Bioethics

The Independent Learning Research Utilization (ILRU) is holding a groundbreaking event for disability rights advocates to advance the disability rights perspective on bioethics issues. These issues include: Withholding Medical Treatment, Assisted Suicide Laws, and Reproductive Technologies. Speakers will include: Liz Carr, Not Dead Yet (NDY) activist from the United Kingdom Diane Coleman, President, Not Dead Yet (NDY) Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Genetics and Society (CGS) Dr. Kevin Fitzpatrick, Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Europe (EPC Europe)

Is Your AAA Ready to Compete?

Our AAA environment is experiencing radical change and it's happening fast! Is your AAA struggling with organizational culture issues as you try to respond to these changes? Do your staff and/or board members want to hold onto the past? Do you need assistance with learning how to "price" your services?

In this intensive and interactive seminar, participants will learn practical ways to begin shifting AAA culture, position your agency to compete, adapt to the new pay-for-performance marketplace and develop a business model.


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