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Older Americans Month, May 2024

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Every May, the Administration for Community Living leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month (OAM), a time to recognize older Americans' contributions, highlight aging trends, and reaffirm commitments to serving the older adults in our communities. The 2024 theme is Powered by Connection, which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being.

Boost Your Budget Week

Event Description: 

Each April, the National Council on Aging (NCOA) leads an annual campaign known as "Boost Your Budget Week" to educate low-income older adults on money-saving benefits such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, and Medicare Savings Programs. More than 17 million Americans age 65 and older struggle with rising housing and health care bills, inadequate nutrition, lack of access to transportation, diminished savings, and job loss. The Boost Your Budget week ran from April 15 through April 19 and features tools and resources in NCOA’s

CMS Issues Contract Year 2025 Medicare Advantage and Part D Final Rule (CMS-4205-F)

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On April 4, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule that revises the Medicare Advantage (MA) Program, Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program (Medicare Part D), Medicare Cost Plan Program, Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), and Health Information Technology Standards and Implementation Specifications.

Recognizing National Poverty in America Awareness Month

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During January, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) recognizes National Poverty in America Awareness Month. In 2022, the national poverty rate was 11.5%, remaining the same as in 2021. CMS OMH recognizes the importance of advancing health equity for Americans in all areas during National Poverty in America Awareness Month and encourages readers to review and share the materials in this resource hub throughout January and the rest of the year.

Key Findings:

​National Influenza Vaccination Week

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National Influenza Vaccination Week, December 4 through 8, is an annual observance in December to remind everyone 6 months and older that there’s still time to get vaccinated against flu. Vaccination is particularly important for people who are at higher risk of developing serious flu complications. Millions of children get sick with the flu every year, and thousands will be hospitalized as a result.

Click here for additional information.

A Proclamation on National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, 2023

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In observance of National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month in November 2023, the White House recognizes the significant impact of Alzheimer's disease on millions of Americans and the emotional and physical burdens it places on affected individuals and their families. The proclamation emphasizes the importance of honoring these individuals' courage and resilience while acknowledging the invaluable support provided by families and caregivers.

A Proclamation on National Family Caregivers Month, 2023

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In recognition of National Family Caregivers Month in 2023, President Biden released a proclamation acknowledging the invaluable role of caregivers in American society. The proclamation addresses common challenges faced by caregivers, including high care costs and inadequate worker wages, and underscores the government's commitment to supporting caregivers through legislative actions like the American Rescue Plan, the Strategy to Support Family Caregivers, and the Executive Order to enhance access to high-quality child care and long-term care.

CMS OMH recognizes Health Literacy Month

Event Description: 

During October, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) recognizes Health Literacy Month, an annual observance focused on improving access to information and services that people need to make informed decisions about their health. Attaining health literacy is a key goal of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthy People 2030 initiative, particularly relevant for individuals with limited education, lower income, chronic conditions, and non-native English speakers who often face health literacy challenges.


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