State Aging and Disabilities Agency Profiles

Each state profile focuses on the core functions of long-term services and supports (LTSS) and the agencies that administer them. The profiles are intended to demonstrate the wide range of state Aging and Disabilities Agencies’ organizational structures and to assist states identify those peer agencies with common functional responsibilities.

On page one of each profile, we strive for consistency when describing the aging and disabilities networks around the country. However, some states may have unique components of their local service delivery system that are not operated as standard area agencies on aging (AAAs) or Centers for Independent Living (CILs). In these instances, we used the specific names of those components.

The second page for each profile is not a standard organizational chart showing the location and hierarchy of individual positions. It is intended to show the location of and relationship between key state programs that are important to aging, physical disabilities, and long-term services and supports. The names of state agencies and consolidated divisions are used to assist with understanding the broader organization. We also use the specific name of state advisory boards. However, the names used to describe functions of the agencies are standardized and may not reflect the actual name of a state office or unit. We use the following standardized descriptions for ease of comparison across states:

Aging Services—includes OAA services and state-funded programs for older adults

Adult Services—includes oversight of CILS and other state-funded disabilities programs not including intellectual and developmental disabilities. These functions are sometimes referred to as physical disability services.

Medicaid LTSS Services—delivered either through the Medicaid State Plan or HCBS Waiver(s)

Provider Management—includes the regulation and licensure of HCBS and institutional providers

Search the list below to view profiles for each state. 


State Aging and Disabilities Agency Profiles