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New ASTDD Older Adult Oral Health Resources for Collaboration

ASTDD has shared a new collection of resources, Older Adult Oral Health Resources for Collaboration. This resource was developed by a workgroup consisting of individuals from state public health programs, academia, and clinicians caring for older adults in a variety of settings. It includes information on the link between oral health and overall health, oral health and chronic disease, special populations, ventilator and non-ventilator pneumonia, nutrition, financing routine dental care, information for non-dental providers, teledentistry and equity.

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Leveraging Innovation, Collaboration, and Data with Assistive Technology to Reduce Social Isolation and Loneliness: Success Story from Illinois

ACL has released a new brief, Leveraging Innovation, Collaboration, and Data with Assistive Technology to Reduce Social Isolation and Loneliness: Success Story from Illinois. This brief highlights a model and innovative partnership at both the federal and state levels that successfully purchased and distributed technology devices to older adults and people with disabilities served by local agencies in order to reduce social isolation and loneliness.

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Promoting Better Health Beyond Health Care

As part of their Better Health Beyond Health Care initiative, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) conducted a national analysis on innovative ways to promote health. This report discusses the resulting findings and summarizes information from thirty key informant interviews representing programs in 19 states and a small group convening. It explores ways collaboration and cross-sector partnerships can help promote population health and improve outcomes.

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The Duals Demonstration: A First Glimpse at Lessons Learned

Justice in Aging published an issue brief that offers an analysis of the findings from the evaluation of the Financial Alignment Initiative (FAI), commonly known as the dual eligible demonstration. Research Triangle Institute was contracted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to conduct this evaluation, which focused on the first six months of operation of the demonstration in each of the seven states where it was rolled out.

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Employment First Technical Briefs

The Office of Disability Employment Policy and the LEAD Center released three Employment First technical briefs for individuals working on the implementation of Employment First in their states, regions, and organizations. Each of the briefs offers different technical guidance on the following topics: Federal policy that supports Employment First systems, federal legal framework that supports competitive employment outcomes, and criteria for performance excellence.

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Financing Transition Services When Everyone is the "Payer of Last Resort"

The Employment Policy and Measurement Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, with funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, published a report on financing transition services. Multiple funding streams, or braiding of resources, are used to fund the services and supports available for transition-age youth seeking employment or higher education. This report examines who the payers of last resort are based on different regulatory and legal requirements.

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