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Senators Gillibrand and Casey Introduce Strategic Plan for Aging Act

On February 28, Senators Gillibrand and Casey introduced the Strategic Plan for Aging Act, which would create a new, nationwide grant program to support states in the development and implementation of multisector plans on aging. The act would award grants to states, territories, and tribes to create or continue development of their multisector plans. Awardees would be provided with resources to coordinate, implement, and evaluate cross-agency and private sector plans to improve the lives of older adults. ADvancing States and several other organizations have endorsed the Strategic Plan for Aging Act.

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Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs

The United States Departments of Health and Human Services and Education released a policy statement on September 14, 2015, that declares that all children with disabilities should be allowed access to "inclusive high-quality" early childhood programs, "where they are provided with individualized and appropriate support in meeting high expectations." Presently, children with disabilities and their families face difficulties in accessing these programs that are available for their peers.

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