Community care hubs

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Functions of a Mature Community Care Hub

The Partnership to Align Social Care has developed a new resource detailing the roles and responsibilities of Community Care Hubs (CCHs) in addressing health-related social needs. This comprehensive guide outlines the specific responsibilities and functions of CCHs, providing a roadmap for the development of collaborative networks among social care providers. This resource also highlights the potential of CCHs to foster cross-sector collaborations that practice community governance. In addition, the Partnership to Align Social Care recently released recordings from its past webinars exploring the functions of a mature CCH.

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Improving Health and Well-Being through Community Care Hub

Health Affairs has published a new blog highlighting the value of improving health and well-being through establishing community care hubs. Hubs are characterized as community-focused entities that support a network of community-based organizations providing services for health-related social needs. The blog complements ACL’s investments to develop and scale community care hubs across the country including the National Learning Community, and plans to administer grants to support community care hub infrastructure.

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