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A World of Opportunities: Creating Inclusive Communities

Every March, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) joins the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) and its partners to observe Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (DDAM). This year’s theme, “A World of Opportunities,” focuses on ACL and NACDD’s shared goal of removing obstacles to community living faced by people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD). ACL is committed to creating inclusive communities where everyone is valued and can do well and succeed. ACL is working alongside its partners in the disability networks to tackle these issues, with a focus on initiatives that they believe will have the biggest impact on the most pressing issues that affect people with I/DD...

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Connecting with AAPIs About Dementia

The purpose of these briefs is to share information for both service providers and policymakers on: Why dementia is such an important issue for the AAPI community; Barriers to dementia detection, treatment, and support for the AAPI community; Recent findings from a research study to test culturally appropriate messages to improve early identification of dementia by engaging adult children and their families; and Recommendations and resources for better reaching the AAPI community.

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