Medicaid Enrollment

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National Health Expenditures 2022 Highlights

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently shared information on national health expenditures in 2022, highlighting a 4.1% growth in U.S. health care spending to $4.5 trillion. This growth, while faster than the increase of 3.2% in 2021, was notably slower than the substantial increase of 10.6% witnessed in 2020. CMS noted the growth in 2022 reflected strong growth in Medicaid and private health insurance spending that was somewhat offset by continued declines in supplemental funding by the federal government associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The fact sheet also notes that in 2022, the insured share of the population reached a historic high of 92%...

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State Medicaid Budget Survey: Medicaid Enrollment & Spending Growth FY 2022 and 2023

KFF’s new state Medicaid budget survey anticipates Medicaid enrollment will begin to decline in FY 2023, following the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). The 22nd annual survey finds that states expect growth in Medicaid enrollment to slow to 8.4 percent in FY 2022 (down from 11.2 percent the previous year) before declining by 0.4 percent in FY 2023.

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Fiscal Survey of the States: Spring 2017

The National Association of State Budget Officers has a semi-annual report, with data gathered from all 50 state budget offices, that provides a narrative analysis of the fiscal condition of the states and data summaries of state general fund revenues, expenditures, and balances. The spring edition of the survey of the states details governors' proposed budgets.

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