ADvancing States is pleased to release the 2015 State of the States report, which provides detailed information on each state’s long-term services and supports (LTSS) systems. This report is the result of a yearlong research project that collected information about the significant policy, fiscal, and operational issues occurring within each state. The report also includes summary tables that outline specific information about each individual state agency and LTSS program.
The results of the 2015 survey represent a snapshot of the current status of state government employees, the agencies that administer the programs, and the services that are provided. The 2015 survey revealed that states are continuing to address the same underlying challenges discussed in the previous state of the state reports. Responses to the 2015 survey demonstrate that underlying policy, fiscal, and operational challenges remain similar to prior years and that programmatic developments continue to occur on a gradual basis. In each of our surveys since 2008, states have discussed their struggles with staff reductions, furlough days, and increasing pressure to make programs function with fewer resources, and redesign service delivery, while simultaneously continuing to ensure that individuals receive necessary supports.
Click here to access the report.