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Personal Options Communications Plan - West Virginia

Article Publication Date
The West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services developed this communications plan for their Cash & Counseling project. The plan includes information on an internal and external scans, messaging, communications activities, and a timeline.
West Virginia
Communications Planning; Summation of External Scan; Summation of Internal Scan; self-directed case management option; Aged and Disabled Waiver participants; expand self direction in aging services; stakeholder group; public forums; conduct survey; recipients of home and community based services; self-directed option for participants of the ADW; Participants of the Aged and Disabled Waiver Program; Families of participants of the Aged and Disabled Waiver Program; Providers; Communication Activities (Objectives in Order of Priority; Timeline; Benchmarks of Success


West Virginia
Bureau of Senior Services
1900 Kanawha Blvd. East
Charleston, WV 25305